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Cast engaged? Cast creatures? Cast area? (edited) on 09/14/2020 09:41 PM CDT
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In our ongoing pursuit of clarity, we've updated NEWS 5 24 and NEWS 5 25.

Quick summary:

If you cast a spell that could cause damage to another player character using the AREA cast option, you're granting consent to anyone who walks through the area you've cast on should they choose to pursue that.

If you don't want to grant people consent, consider using the CREATURES or ENGAGED options for your spell.

If your wanderings lead you into a room where someone has cast an area effect spell that could conceivably damage your character, you have consent should you choose to pursue it.

If you see a spell that might grant consent were it cast over the area, please ensure that the cast actually IS over the whole area before deciding to attack.

It is entirely possible to violate policy with CAST AREA and/or with jumping to the conclusion that consent exists.

Thank you,

Doing stuff
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