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This is not actually a violation of official game policy, however, I am attempting to insure it is seen by as many people as possible, so I'm crossposting from the announcements folder.

This matter has been addressed previously, as recently as this past May (2006), but it bears restating:

We're fully aware that folks sell in-game coin for Real Life funds on a regular basis. Although we stop just short of making this an outright violation of DR POLICY, due to the sheer number of scams and cons that take place we very strongly advise against this; however we're also well aware that some people will choose to ignore this advice, won't care about the potential risks and will do it anyway.

Before anyone suggests it, the only way for us to prevent these sales is to prevent any amount of coin from being dropped, placed in containers, or handed to any other character or account (even as a tip), which obviously wouldn't be very much fun for anyone. So for now, as much as people will roll their eyes and ignore us, we simply say "DO NOT DO THIS OR ELSE!"

Please be aware that the "OR ELSE" is that in situations where in-game currency has been created by Bug Abuse or Systems Mechanics Abuse and is sold for Real Life funds, these in-game coins (or the items purchased with said coins, in some cases) can and will be confiscated and it will be TOTALLY up to you to get your Real Life money back from the person who sold it to you. There is absolutely nothing we can do to assist you in the recovery.

Consider this Fair Warning.

Once again, we very strongly recommend that you do not purchase coins from other players. I'm sorry to say that some of you folks are about to learn that lesson the hard way.

SGM Riel Mystsong,
CE Team Leader
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