Re: OOC behavior on 10/07/2004 03:55 PM CDT
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<<Where? I remember the question being asked, and I had thought I remembered the answer. I checked a few different folders, DR2, Gen Discussion.>>

I remember them saying no as well to the chatter channel after beta. But I can't remember if they stated that on the boards or at the con.

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Re: OOC behavior on 10/10/2004 12:04 AM CDT
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After having run Internet Relay Chat servers as well as an entire network of them, I fail to see how a chat channel would be a resource hog... being we ran a server on a 486.

What is DR being run on, a glorified 8088? Did they upgrade to a 286?

"Do not go where the path may lead.
Go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail." -Emerson
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Re: OOC behavior on 10/10/2004 02:02 AM CDT
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<<What is DR being run on, a glorified 8088? Did they upgrade to a 286?>>

An old rotary phone, two q-tips, and a piece of gum.


I was taking a walk in the park when this post said I stole its purse. I tried to get away, but it just kept on coming. So I had to beat it to death with this purse I found.

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Re: OOC behavior on 10/11/2004 12:28 AM CDT
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>>Quelgash>>After having run Internet Relay Chat servers as well as an entire network of them, I fail to see how a chat channel would be a resource hog... being we ran a server on a 486.

That would probably be due to how it works on their system. It's not a dedicated IRC program, it's a subset of GSL. The on-site programmers at Simu could probably tighten it up and make it more efficient, but from the sounds of it they have a lot bigger fish to fry and something like the chatter channel is so low down on the list it's not even in sight.

"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
"Call me Snake."
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Re: OOC behavior on 10/12/2004 02:49 PM CDT
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Having an ooc chat ability in the game, is not a good idea. Theres a program with server that some folks over in Gemstone now use that player made. Its called Psinet and it does have some nice utilities to it. The main thing I didn't like was the Psinet thought channel. Players are very ooc there and most of the time they are just insulting each other.

Problem with this is, its effected the IC part of the game. More of the ooc chatter from Psinet users has bled over into the game. People get used to be ooc in nature while in the game and start to make errors as to where they are at when they go ooc. After a while no one cares, its a really bad idea.

Hell I don't wear a gweth here because I dont like the ooc junk I hear already because of the junk I hear on it. Which isn't the best idea, ignoring it just causes it to get worse. A real no win scenario to be sure.

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Re: OOC behavior on 10/17/2004 06:40 PM CDT
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This is late but, as far as OOC goes, calling 'grunge' is not OOC. People dress the same as we always have relatively speaking. Whatever we WEAR Ig cannot be OOC because there's only one way to make clothing and that's through GMs that would not allow say, a Tool slogan to be embroidered on a cloak or the third eye symbol tattooed on someones forehead unless you detailed it out. It's a pretty basic design that has been in certain peoples dreams for centries.

If you don't like OOC behavior, then don't RP with these people.
I say that enough times? Oh One more

Those of you that find any excuse to run and tell GMs someones irritating you are completely out of Character yourselves, and not too mention Whiney and selfish. You're not the only one that PAYS for this game, you deserve no more rights than the rest of the people. I don't care if they have more money and can afford premium, and no, just because someone makes more money than someone else doesn't mean they are better than them or deserve better treatment. Most people get over that in Highschool, those that don't, end up suffering for it later in life. If you haven't yet, I'm not going to prepare you for it. Have fun being selfish.

That's my two cents.

PS. If someone is in a room with only you and their friend, then you leave. If they come into your room, and there's other people around then deal with it yourself or squelch them. There's no purpose to make it more than it is unless you want to feel some kind of negative feeling. If you do, then do it to yourself. Overdramatic people are annoying.

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Re: OOC behavior on 10/17/2004 06:47 PM CDT
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Oh and just to clarify one more thing while I'm pushing my opinion on overbearing people, not all of you bare in mind I just mean those that feel they are right, well I'm right too. ;)

Whatever we do with ourselves is our business, we are like that IRL too. Unless you never leave your house then well, you've looked in the mirror too many times without seeing other people. If you base yourself off Politically correct TV shows for understanding people then you are so very wrong. Not even nonpolitically correct TV shows are always right. The problem is this, you need to get out more.

Look back in time at what we have found, artifacts, paintings, things of that nature. Look at the difference between the rich and the poor, the militants and the civilians, the poets and the politians. There is still GIGANTIC differences, people that could make their own clothes, if they happend to have thoughts of a different nature than everyone else they would make different clothes, they would want to be different. Seperate themselves from the horde, that aspect of the human psychi has always been there. And this game is based off the many different perspectives of people that they are, why do we keep trying to segregate and seperate each different type of people? Why should we treat anyone differently for clothes, race, or in this case descriptions or the fact they wear a vest with a panther and a boot with steel inside it. Ya'know, armor was made out of steel...Maybe they were a forger and they busted themselves in the foot too many times? Maybe they RP that their parents were from the forge? The use of this sort of thing is to ignite RP in peoples minds, not irritate them to say, "HAHAHA I RP BETTER THAN YOU SO GO LOCKOUT NOW." Well, wow.

~a smiling Venic
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Re: OOC behavior on 10/17/2004 07:55 PM CDT
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Hi, Gwethsmashers such as mine have always had very limited rules because they are an "artifact" there aren't that many of them and they are extremely expensive, only used 1 per 24 hours, and lots of limitations, its a conc vs. conc check and so forth and so on, the rules on them pretty much don't smash GMs and such, and if you know for a fact that someone is in a hunting area you can get in trouble, other than that everything else is fair game, you can use a gwethsmasher any time, any where, for any reason, i don't like your shoes... gweths smashed... i don't like how your hair is cut... gweths smashed

Evasion Junkie Algion
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Re: OOC behavior on 10/17/2004 08:02 PM CDT
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No, your wrong. Ignoring what's wrong is as bad as those who are doing wrong. Acceptance of incorrect behavior in this case being ooc in the game which is against SIMU policy, is wrong. Ignoring is wrong and shows those who are in the wrong that its acceptable to continue breaking policy.


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Re: OOC behavior on 10/18/2004 08:42 AM CDT
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>Ignoring is wrong and shows those who are in the wrong that its acceptable to continue breaking policy

Actually OOC behavior is a different beast than most violations of policy because you have to violate the same policy if you take notice of it. That and quite honestly, how often do you get on someone's case for acting OOC in real life? I mean whenever I see someone babbling on about something that only exists in their imagination I'm not going to try whispering to them "Hey, knock it off. You're acting weird." Personally, I'm not going to get that close. I might inherit some of their pets.

That and what's OOC to you may well not be to the people they're talking to. Report it and move on. Let the policy GH's do their job. Interacting with people who are effectively crazy relative to Elanthia just encourages the behavior. You don't shut up a noisy dog/child/madman by catering to it. You ignore it and it'll eventually shut up. That is unless you have a way to forceably shut it up, as the GH's do.

Also, some of us do believe in old fashioned tolerance and acceptance of diversity. The kind where you leave other people alone unless they're bugging you directly and you can't get away from them. Yup, radical, hateful and cruel, but there ya have it. I'm a vicious person. Too bad. Go play with your dolly somewhere else. I've never understood the burning desire some people have to search out and wallow in things that don't make them happy. If what you consider OOC behavior makes you unhappy, then why are you looking for it and rolling around in it? Sheesh.

Dio's player
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Re: OOC behavior on 10/18/2004 10:54 AM CDT
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>Whatever we do with ourselves is our business

Except when you play a game that is owned by a company that makes rules.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
~Herm Albright
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