Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/22/2004 01:41 PM CDT
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If they are unbreakable gweths, one would assume. Of course, we all know what happens when you assume. It makes an ass out of Ume... poor guy.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
~Herm Albright
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Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/22/2004 05:11 PM CDT
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>>Low level people who couldnt possible win in a PVP conflict against someone big: if someone smashes your gweth and they are way over your circle, I suggest graverobbing them when they die at some point down the line, or dragging their corpse in hard-to-find places when they die. Patience is a virtue, people expect you to try to "take revenge" immedeately. Wait a few days, a week, a month, let things settle and be forgotton, and when they slip up, thats when you take something shiny back for yourself. That would be my suggestion anyway.

There's a few teensy problems with your advice. First, consent or not more people than not see grave-robbing as evil on more than just the IC level--especially when it looks opportunistic rather than in the context of revenge or poetic justice. Even if you managed to get the opportunity to grave-rob, there's a chance you'd seriously offend some random adventurer enough to drive you off or even kill you. Second, what's the chances that this newly-dead person who smashed your gweth three months ago of NOT getting a drag, restored memories, and a ward? Seems to me that unless you really offended a lot of people it would be relatively easy to be rescued or even happened upon by a helpful cleric and/or paladin, especially if that character was noteworthy (ie, a good friend, a great tipper, a willing symbiotic, etc). Third, unless they die in an easily-accessible/safe place how would this lesser-skilled victim character get into/stay in the room that killed the perp?

J'Lo, no that other one
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Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/23/2004 01:58 AM CDT
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>There's a few teensy problems with your advice. First, consent or not more people than not see grave-robbing as evil on more than just the IC level--especially when it looks opportunistic rather than in the context of revenge or poetic justice. Even if you managed to get the opportunity to grave-rob, there's a chance you'd seriously offend some random adventurer enough to drive you off or even kill you. Second, what's the chances that this newly-dead person who smashed your gweth three months ago of NOT getting a drag, restored memories, and a ward? Seems to me that unless you really offended a lot of people it would be relatively easy to be rescued or even happened upon by a helpful cleric and/or paladin, especially if that character was noteworthy (ie, a good friend, a great tipper, a willing symbiotic, etc). Third, unless they die in an easily-accessible/safe place how would this lesser-skilled victim character get into/stay in the room that killed the perp?

In the case of algion, he lives on hara, where there is, generally, no paladin(not always, but I know for a fact he has departed there with no glyph). If ou had gall and really wanted revenge, you could wait for his script to screw up and he dies in poloh's (it happens) and then try to take something from his grave. Chances are you would obviously make him very angry, and he would more then likely seek revenge (and succeed, killing you eventually).... HOWEVER, the fact remains that you would have some type of recourse.

As for graverobbing being seen as "evil", thats just silly, anyone whose sat in crossings for a day knows that the mob mentality of "evil people" blows like the wind, its pathetic.

Lets use Byw as an example: Almost every day, Byw would piss SOMEONE off, and hed die, or kill someone, or something, and almost the entire gweth would want him to crawl off somewhere and die. What happens when you wait an hour? People defend Byw because hed pour on a little niceness, toss out some apologies, and tell everyone he was just very frustrated at the time, or something else equally as corny, and everything would be just fine.

I know it seems almost surreal, but the mob mentality is really hilarious at times, Worrying about people thinking you are "evil" for graverobbing someone for smashing your 600 plat gweths seems counter-productive. If it was me, you could be damn well sure of one thing, id get myself something that I felt made up for my 600 plats before I stopped causing a hell of a lot of issues.

And for the record, im wearing my 600 plat gweths in DR, without fear. And no, not because I can "Kick the persons butt who broke my gweth", because while its most likely true, kicking their butt isnt giving me my 600 plat back. I would most definitely and certainly graverob the person until I recieved equitable compensation for my loss. If someone thought it was evil, they could just kiss my butt <grin>.

I do understand what you are saying, and please dont take this post as me trying to mock or insult you in any way, because I totally do not mean it that way, but sometimes you need to just suck it up and not care what other people think.

After carefully gauging the distance to Maelshyve, you lash out at her!
The piercing screech of tortured air assaults your ears, punctuated by a sharp CRACK!!
Don't be a fool!
Roundtime: 1 second.
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Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/23/2004 04:52 PM CDT
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What I meant by that was more along the lines of the folks who just don't care about policy or warnings or the like. Being able to mess with and perhaps stand up to one person my size is one thing, but having to watch out for everyone else of every other size from Maario (a problem-child in the empath guild) to Dritzfury (one of the 3 100th circle rangers?) because of some kind of relationship with Algion is entirely different.

J'Lo, no that other one
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Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/25/2004 10:17 PM CDT
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Back when the unbreakable gweths came out I had a problem when i went on the taisidon quest and it popped an additional J gweth on me. Not wanting to lose my unbreakable J gweth and having no idea which was which I assisted and spoke to a GM. I was told that it didnt matter which i took off since once I wore the unbreakable one it was coded to me alone, basically it tags the character, so I dont see how a Gwethsmasher could break an unbreakable gweth. It could certainly turn it off but not break it.

Ambassador Deloria.....Rissan War Witch
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Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/26/2004 01:22 PM CDT
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Well two gwethsmashers are now gone so this is pretty much a moot point.

How many were there anyway?


The spotted leopard growls, "great...someone just walked in on me playing with my wood"
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Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/26/2004 01:57 PM CDT
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Why are they gone?

Flip what?

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Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/26/2004 02:19 PM CDT
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From what I hear, their owner is gone.


The spotted leopard growls, "great...someone just walked in on me playing with my wood"
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Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/26/2004 09:32 PM CDT
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<<How many were there anyway?>>

From what I understand there are 4 gwethsmashers in the realms. Algion has two of them...he is currently LO from what I understand, not sure why or for what though. Kapi has another one....the other one I'm not sure of, I believe it's changed hands a bit.

Player of Shollagar

PS-Then again, I could be completely wrong.
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Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/27/2004 11:40 AM CDT
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>>That doesnt necessarily mean the gwethsmashers are gone

It does if the account that had them was perma-LO'd and the owner didn't know it was coming, so the smashers were still there when they suddenly realized they couldn't log in.

Unless he is allowed to return, you can write off two of the smashers, permanently.

"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
"Call me Snake."
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Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/27/2004 12:37 PM CDT
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>Unless he is allowed to return, you can write off two of the smashers, permanently.

Arjen and Algion owned one.

Arjen sold. He bought Kloudz for a bunch less.

See post #653 in this topic.

Player of Tessaa
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Re: Gwethsmashers **NUDGE** on 10/27/2004 03:59 PM CDT
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Let's get back on topic folks. This is the policy folder not the "who sold and bought which characters" folder. I'm not sure there's ever an appropriate folder for that but if there is, it's not this one.


Any questions or comments, please contact me at, Senior Board Monitor Annwyl at, Senior Board Monitor Redryn at or GM Cecco at
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Re: Gwethsmashers on 10/28/2004 02:32 AM CDT
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>>Algion has two of them...he is currently LO from what I understand,

Ahh, there is a god. I'd go into details about why I feel that way, but this isn't a conflict folder.

However, I do think anyone who traipses around in here going "I don't like ur shoes=gweths smashed. I don't like ur hair=gweths smashed" would eventually feel some karma.

"The goblin's coming this way!" <-- Contraction:good.
"That goblin's eyepatch is fake!" <-- Possession:good.
"Some goblin's are running towards town!" <-- Pluralization: MAKES YOU STUPID
Know the apostrophe.
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