Alternate Player Stealing Idea on 03/25/2020 03:52 PM CDT
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DragonRealms has several kinds of players, who like and dislike different aspects of the game. A few examples of likes and dislikes:

DISLIKE: Getting gems and plats stolen.
DISLIKE: Having low ranks and being targeted by someone who vastly out-ranks you.
DISLIKE: Being locked PVP Open.
LIKE: The potential RP conflict when caught stealing, or catching someone stealing.
LIKE: The adrenaline boost of risky behavior.
LIKE: Overwhelming a target with ranks and getting away with easy-peasy theft.

And among these likes and dislikes there can be overlap. Someone who likes overwhelming odds in their favor may hate being PVP Open, for example.

I've proposed this before, somewhere, but my idea is: What if thieves could not steal gems and money from players, but could still steal from players?

If players had an hourly or daily pool of items related to their guild*, based on their circle, that could be stolen from them, thieves would still have reason to pick pockets. (* A "non-guild" loot pool would be common enough that someone who wishes their guild remain secret could disable guild items entirely without causing suspicion. Thieves and necromancers would be given a pretend guild loot pool option.) These items would NOT EXIST in the player's inventory properly. It would be like if Breaking and Entering allowed getting into player homes, but you could still only steal the things that you currently get. They are generated randomly each time, and replenish over time, hourly or daily, or whatever time frame works best for balance.

These items could be then added to sets, like cards and diras, that Thieves can turn in to their guild for a platinum payment. Or they can be binned for reputation, or pawned for less money, if they don't care about filling in a collectable sheet, or aren't a guilded Thief and don't have that option available. Or they can be kept, because who doesn't want to keep Tyx's handerkchief to snuggle at night?

Perhaps the value of the item somehow correlates to the value of gems and plats that the target carries.

I would not be worried about the game's economy, as hunting still far outweighs everything else as the best way to generate money.

Meanwhile, being caught stealing would then changed not to lock the thief PVP Open, since they are in no way harming other players. BUT, being caught by their target would still allow consent FROM THAT TARGET*. So a thief who prefers to avoid the other issues with PVP Open can still get the adrenaline boost of a risky grab, and enjoy the potential RP! (* Paladins could be given some kind of stun or immobilize tool to help, that bypasses PVP consent, without being granted the consent to kill or maim? Random last minute thought.)

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
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Re: Alternate Player Stealing Idea on 03/25/2020 03:59 PM CDT
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I should add:
DISLIKE: Stealing from players as the system currently is, because it disheartens new players and just feels mean.
DISLIKE: Being unable to steal from someone who really deserves it because their ranks are just so high you'll only lose all your field XP and favors.
LIKE: The idea of being able to take something from someone who was rude and give it to the victim of their rudeness.

There's just lots more things like that that determine whether a player enjoys or loathes the current way stealing works.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
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