Housing around Leth Area on 09/24/2006 11:18 AM CDT
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I'm looking for a house around the Leth area but can't seem to find any besides the Chelsea Overlook by the ferry and Leth its self. Is there any hosing between the ferry and gondola besides those two areas? If not would it be possible to add a small housing area to Acenamacra Village? Thanks!
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Re: Housing around Leth Area on 09/26/2006 04:53 AM CDT
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Well, there's 4-5 treehouses in Leth itself, apartments in the Inn, and I think the University, but they might be guild-restricted, and 6 more treehouses north of Leth, 3 on the way to the Crossing. There's also a house or two between Leth and the Gondola, but I think they're ranger only. The treehouses are pretty easy to spot, once you get used to them. Mine is southeast, then northeast from the Northeast Gate, the Alder? Gate, I think it is. I do know there's 10 treehouses in total, I've been over the region with a fine-tooth comb, so to speak, looking for them.
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