Housing Info on 06/04/2012 05:09 PM CDT
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The boring info has been entered and maps have been drawn, but we still need background info on most of the neighborhoods within Zoluren. If you can think of something to write about your neighborhood, feel free to add it.


For an example of what we're looking for

Tachid smugly exclaims, "Die midget!"
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Re: Housing Info on 06/10/2012 01:41 AM CDT
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What if we feel the description of our neighborhood feels off?

Also Midton Circle is a middle not upper class. (couldn't figure out how to change that, and didn't want to nuke anything)

-Midton circle is an urban planner's homage to rural living, but without the discomfort of leaving the city. It is a sprawling housing community accented by streams and maple and oak trees, but all nestled in the heart of The Crossing and neatly accessible through its cobblestone paths. This quiet neighborhood stands in stark contrast to the nearby Town Green, offering many of the cities notables a nearby place to retreat to for a quiet evening with friends.

I feel the stream is natural and not an accent (where it comes from I don't know, I always figured it dumped into the river somewhere in the middle of town), judging by the flood stains on some of the houses.
Also a lot of the trees are venerable and have been shaped by the creek itself. More like everything was placed around what looked to be a good spot, and then walled in to keep the Town Green rabble from crushing our lavender and grapes.

(Though who knows, apparently there was a giant area waiting to be excavated sitting behind the TGSE meeting arch forever)

Also, my immediate neighbors also know that it is anything but quiet around here... ash clouds and hellish rains of fire are pretty common.

Midton= Mid Town ? It's located about where I'd imagine the middle of town would be.

Also good job on all that work finding and arranging everything. Keep it up!

also, I felt like saying also again... also.

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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Re: Housing Info on 06/11/2012 02:26 PM CDT
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<<What if we feel the description of our neighborhood feels off?>>
As long as no one else cares, and there's nothing official that contradicts it, I say go for it.

<<Also Midton Circle is a middle not upper class. (couldn't figure out how to change that, and didn't want to nuke anything)>>
That would be why I eventually wrote a script to handle that sort of thing, less chance of putting in the wrong class. For the box on the right, all you'd need to change is the "|class=Upper" to "|class=Middle" .

If it's a particular house on the table at the bottom that's wrong, there's no special coding there so changes won't break anything other than potentially making the cell really large.

<<Also good job on all that work finding and arranging everything. Keep it up!>>
DR-Lyneya provided a list of all the housing areas and pointed me in the direction of some of the elusive homes; the basic layout, and the descriptions, was established a while ago by someone whom I forget and Caraamon made all the pretty templates. I just did the grunt work.

Tachid smugly exclaims, "Die midget!"
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