Crossing or Dirge housing. on 03/13/2014 04:20 PM CDT
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I would PREFER something in the Crossing Barbarian Guild Dormitory or something more rural, but if anyone has any homes in the Crossing or Dirge area that they're just sitting on with an alt or something that they're willing to sell shoot me an email at my address.

Or if anyone knows any open housing in the area? I THINK I've checked all the neighborhoods around the Crossing but I could have missed some.
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Re: Crossing or Dirge housing. on 03/15/2014 09:54 PM CDT
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Last I looked there were spots open in the apartments on the southwest side of town (Merchant Apartments, Dintacui Apartments, Korhege Apartments) and some houses in a neighborhood just out the north gate (Rugglestone Close, I think).

You can also see here for locations of neighborhoods:

It looks like someone used to update it with which houses were actually free but it's been a while since that part was updated. You can still use it to know where to go to check manually though.

-- Player of Eyuve
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Re: Crossing or Dirge housing. on 03/16/2014 06:44 AM CDT
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Thanks, I found a nice little cabin on the outskirts of Kaerna Village. I'd still prefer if I could find someone willing to part with a room in the Barbarian Dormitory, but this will do for now.
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