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Siksraja Homes on 06/24/2013 12:13 PM CDT
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After speaking with other Rakash players at my recent Great Moot 409 event. It has been made pretty clear that there are simply not enough houses out in Siksraja to hold all the Rakash players who want them. The ones I have been able to locate, are already owned and have been for awhile.

I'd like to make a request that more homes be made available in this area. Folks last night talked about both tree-type homes outside the village as well as some more free-standing neighborhoods. I recently posted a suggestion in the "Build-A-Neighborhood" folder for some apartments in the area too.

Everyone tells me there used to be more houses out there, but I've only been able to find the one area. So, I might just be missing all the available ones.

Aww, but it's so cute. You don't really want to bother it, do you?
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Re: Siksraja Homes on 06/18/2021 11:45 PM CDT
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The previous post here was in 2013, but it still holds true, we need more housing in Siksraja. The whole area just seems underdeveloped for as many rooms as there are.
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Re: Siksraja Homes on 08/04/2021 02:52 AM CDT
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I second that idea.
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