Pets and if they play well with your guest or not. on 10/11/2013 01:06 AM CDT
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Some pets are nice and interact with a guest the exact way they interact with you, the home owner.

But some pets react entirely different with the guest, as if they weren't a guest at all.

Is there any way to add this in an appraise or a sign at the merchants or any way that works so you know before you buy it.

Pet Rock is one in particular that now doesn't interact with guests. (Even though in the past, I know for absolutely sure did, since I was married to someone who owned one.)

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Re: Pets and if they play well with your guest or not. on 10/11/2013 02:19 AM CDT
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What might be better is if pets interacted with anyone on the owners befriend list marked as warm or friendly in the same manner as the owner. Every other state on the list and the pet would act as it currently does towards a person.

Blackguard Danoryiel

"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
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Re: Pets and if they play well with your guest or not. on 10/11/2013 02:41 AM CDT
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"So, even a pet rock has rejected Elriic."
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Re: Pets and if they play well with your guest or not ::Nudge:: on 10/11/2013 02:26 PM CDT
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Let's keep on topic.


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Re: Pets and if they play well with your guest or not. on 10/13/2013 08:29 PM CDT
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I am all for ways to make the befriend list more useful!

The crux of my post is more that it makes little sense for some pets to react the same way to a guest as they do to any person visiting.

And I guess also maybe pet rocks are now broken (or just changed from how they worked in the past) since the one that I used to interact with as a guest would let me scratch/pet it etc, and now they do not do any of those things for a guest.

and... I would like to suggest a menu type ordering thing for "common" pets.

Like a store that had a base dog/cat/bird/etc, that you can then choose the color/size/markings/maybe even demeanor of/verb set.

So that you could really get a more overall customized sort of pet experience.

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