Premium Meeting for March is Scheduled! on 03/18/2019 01:00 PM CDT
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Thank you for scheduling it on my night off, now if I can just stay away to go to it. :)

Curious as if the gift will be changed out then or will it be around for a bit longer?
Also.. any raffles outside the 5 plat one? And will the 5 plat one be raffled off that nite?

Sorry if I'm jumping the gun but trying to figure out how much I need to push on getting my gifts & my token. :)
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Re: Premium Meeting for March is Scheduled! on 03/19/2019 03:29 PM CDT
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There's a good chance the gift will be changing out just before the meeting, so I recommend getting the current gift a day or so before the meeting.

The token raffle probably won't happen until the next day, give or take a few days, as I'd like to avoid overlapping with any potential Duskruin events. I don't think we have any other raffles planned outside of the token raffle, which costs 5 plats to join.

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Re: Premium Meeting for March is Scheduled! on 03/31/2019 01:26 PM CDT
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Just as a note I don't see the Estate Holder Meeting on the calendar.

~~If you can't live without me why aren't you dead yet?~~
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Re: Premium Meeting for March is Scheduled! on 04/01/2019 01:19 PM CDT
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That's weird.

I took a second look and confirmed it was posted on the PREMIUM calendar.

If you weren't already including it on your filters, I highly recommend you have the Premium calendar included. I know it's been sparsely used recently, but we'll be using it to post details about the monthly meetings, upcoming alteration sessions, and occasional events.

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