Keeping the Faith (Faenella and Murrula) on 01/10/2010 08:21 AM CST
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Hello! It's time again for another installment of Keeping the Faith devotionals. This week we will be focusing on the Fair Bard Faenella and her two aspects Murrula and Idon. Tonight at 9:30 PM EST please join myself and Jaelia Evensong at the Kilth Aldiyaus in Leth Deriel for a small vigil devoted to Faenella and Murrula.

All are welcome to attend, and it should be noted that a gift will be given to the most original story/myth about the chosen Immortals, best poem/song/prayer in their honor, or whatever other act of artistic expression you may find to educate and encourage the masses to increase their level of worship.

Name: Keeping the Faith
Spotlight on Faenella and Murrula
Location: Kilth Aldiyaus (from the center room in Leth Deriel, go NE twice, go path)
Time: 9:30 PM EST

Look forward to seeing you there. If you are unable to make it tomorrow, we will be hosting a prayer vigil in honor of Faenella and Idon on the following Thursday at the same time and location,

Thank you!

- Terra
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