TIME: 4pm - 8pm EST
WHERE: all around AESRY
IC Details: Aevi's mad as hell and she's not going to take it anymore. Today is the 6th anniversary she has to face the shark but this time she's not going to just stand there and let it kill her. Instead, she's inviting all her friends and family to join her for a day of exploring the island, finding Drogor's shrine and how to pay him homage. Maybe also a trip to the sharktooth blossom tree, along with the legend of how it came to be.
After that, everyone is invited to jump into the waters and hopefully take down as many of Drogor's minions as possible.
OOC Details: This is kind of a last minute impromptu event so we're just going to play it by ear. Depending on who shows up and when, we'll probably go do whatever that group is up for at that moment. For more details on what's going on, and/or why, you can check out Aeviona's journal on the last 6 years of this quest. http://aeviona.livejournal.com/
You can also IM me if you need to know anything else.
Depending on how this goes, perhaps I can do an even more structured event when it comes around again in another 3 months. Unfortunately I won't have a private boat to get everyone there, but we a few of us will be meeting up in Crossing or Haven to see the boat schedules and also see how we can get there. After all, part of the fun is the journey, not the destination, right?
Hope to see you there!