[Stormwill Tower, Empath Guild]
The Guildmaster's office is decorated in soothing greens and blues, with splashes of gold here and there to add color. A lush white rug covers the stone floor to muffle the echoes caused by the stream of Empaths rushing in to speak with their leader, who sits behind a large mahogany desk covered in ledgers and invoices. Hung on a rod near the stone fireplace is a kettle of lemonroot tea, the Guildmaster's favorite drink.
You also see a gold-etched oaken box labeled "foRk'mirRiEL", Guildleader K'miriel Lystrandoniel, a mahogany door and a renown scroll.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast, west.
You pat a gold-etched oaken box labeled "foRk'mirRiEL".
You wave to Guildleader K'miriel Lystrandoniel.
You meekly exclaim, "A letter for you, when you have the time to read it!"
~ ~ ~
[A handful of slightly-smelly ham bits lurk in the bottom corners of the package, and the pieces of paper folded within are smudged with grease.]
dEER k'izoNEi ANd k'miRiEL!
HALo i Am NAkoRE i HopE you REmEmBuR mE i Am tHE woN wHo, BotHuRd you witH QwEstsHiNs ABowt wEEsiLs woN tym wEN i wAs visitiNg sHARd ANd wE HAd tALkEd ABowt my pRomosHiN it wAs A wyL Ago! i Am A pRydAEN witH wyt fuR ANd i Am kutE ANd i HAv Big spEktikLs if tHAt HELps yoR mEmRys to EksERsys. i wiL Not BotHuR you ABowt my QwEstsHiNs witH wEEsiLs ANEmoR At tHis tym i Am doiNg my owN REsuRscH ABowt HEELiNg ANimuLs i tHiNk, i Am mAkiNg pRogREs! my fERit Ayt too mANy sQwERiL HARts ANd HAd A tumE AycH But i kudLEd Him, vAyRE soft ANd HE got BEtuR so i tHiNk i Am oN tHE top of sumtHiNg gRAyt.
tHis tym i HAv A QwEstsHiN ABowt A spEL, tHAt HAs BiN wuREiNg mE foR A LoNg tym siNs i HuRd ABowt it. i No it is A vAyRE goud tHiNg tHAt moR pEpuL AR AyBL to HuNt, tHE uN dEd But i HAv HuRd mENE upsEtiNg RoomuRs ABwut EmpAtHik ABiLitys ANd NEkRomANsE. tHE spEL is kAwLd ABsoLoosHiN ANd i HAv HuRd, tHAt it duLs yoR EmpAtHik sENsis to ALAow you to HuRt uN dEd tHiNgs siNs tHEy, AR Not ALyv. ENE wAy my QwEstsHiN is do you No ENEtHyNg ABowt tHE spEL BEsyds, wHAt pEpuL sAy it dus? i HAv sumtyms got A BAd mEmRy ANd do Not REmEmBuR fRum my tEEcHiNg, How spELs AR mAyd oR diskuvRd oR BotH! is tHE puRsiN wHo, fuRst yusd tHE spEL okAy is tHEyR HEd vERE wEL ANd tHEy AR Not giBuRiNg? i tRyd to fyNd owt ABowt it But No woN, Nos wAyR it kAym fRum Just tHAt tHE sHop tHAyR iN sHARd, BEgAN to sEL tHE skRoLs ANd tHE sHop kEEpuR, wAs uN HELpfuL ANd did Not wANt to sAy wAyR tHEy HAd kum fRum.
my fEER is tHAt BEkAws wE do Not No ENEtHyNg ABowt wHo, mAyd tHis spEL AvAyLiBL to us ANd tHE REst of tHE EmpAtH GiLd is Not vAyRE Nys ABowt LEtiNg us LuRN tHiNgs tHAt kud BE dANEJuRus if wE wuR vAyRE mEEN pEpuL. [There is a small, colourful picture of a squirrel throwing acorns at a Prydaen kit with googly eyes and large ears.] i Am sowRy ABowt tHAt my dAwtuR, pAyNtid oN my LEtuR wyL i HAd A NAp. i tHiNk it is vAyRE goud so i wiL kEEp RytiNg oN tHis pAypuR. if wE doN't No wHo, mAyd tHE spEL tHEN mAyBE tHE spEL kAN do otHuR tHiNgs tHAt wE doN't No? wot if woN dAy EvEREwoN wHo, yusis tHE spEL fyNds tHAt it dos Not stop ANd tHEyR EmpAtHik ABiLitys AR duLd foREvuR? wot if woN dAy A pARt of tHE pAtuRN tHAt did Not do ENEtHyNg BEgiNs to do sumtHyNg ANd tHE EmpAtHs wHo, yus it AR Now wEEkiNd to A NEkRomANtik tAyNt? BEkos i Am Not vERy LuRNEd iN tHEEs tHyNgs it is A Big wuRE foR mE ANd i wud Lyk to ALso HuNt uN dEd As you No tHE pRydAENs's, HomLANd is ovuRuN ANd tENEmLoR wud BE vAyRE pLEEsd if i kud do tHAt But i do Not wANt to opiN mysELf up to HAv BE tAykiN AdvANtigd of By EEviL. siNs i No you AR BotH goud At REEsuRscHiNg tHEEs tHyNgs if you kud pLEEs REEpLy ANd tEL mE if it is okAy to yus tHis spEL uN ofisHALE of koRs i wud Not wANt to gEt you iN tRuBL.
p.s. tHANk you vAyRE mucH foR A LowiNg sHiftyNg BEkos my HusBiNd wHo, yusd to BE my wyf is vAyRE HApE Now ANd wE HAv A fAmiLE to ANd i did Not tHiNk i EvuR wud HAv tHAt pLEEs doNt sHAyR tHis witH otHuR giLd LEEduRs i tHiNk tHEy myt gEt ANgRE At mE!! okAy tHis is tHE ENd of tHE LEtuR Now i Howp you HAv A vAyRE goud dAy ANd No tumE AycHs fRom youR fRoouts ANd vEgitiBuL tHAt you EEt iN iLitHE syNd NAkoRE DozEpAws. p.s. iNJoy tHE HAm Byts i HAv iNkLowsd iN tHE ENviLowp syNd NAkoRE DozEpAws (piktsHuR By stRAwBAyRE DozEpAws).
A Letter to K'Miriel on 09/17/2016 04:08 AM CDT
Re: A Letter to K'Miriel on 09/17/2016 04:27 AM CDT
...okay, I can't actually put anyone through that without another option. So here is her letter in--more or less--English.
Re: A Letter to K'Miriel on 09/17/2016 08:00 AM CDT
Re: A Letter to K'Miriel on 09/19/2016 07:50 AM CDT
Re: A Letter to K'Miriel on 09/20/2016 09:33 AM CDT
Thank you--it was! Worked on it for a few days; same as she did, I reckon. I was told to email it to the GM for Empaths, but I don't know who that is exactly. Melete? I don't know how to email things. So I posted it here instead. I wish there was an in-character folder that was for things other than conflicts.
I was always going to include the un-Nakorized version if I did email it, but I thought the effort of writing it in-character shouldn't be so easily overshadowed by posting it twice, hence the link as a kind of optional, tucked-away thing for if people didn't have time or didn't want to expend the energy or any other reason. I didn't mean to upset or confuse anyone, or break any kind of forum rules... sorry.
I was always going to include the un-Nakorized version if I did email it, but I thought the effort of writing it in-character shouldn't be so easily overshadowed by posting it twice, hence the link as a kind of optional, tucked-away thing for if people didn't have time or didn't want to expend the energy or any other reason. I didn't mean to upset or confuse anyone, or break any kind of forum rules... sorry.
Re: A Letter to K'Miriel on 09/21/2016 07:59 PM CDT
I liked it a lot. For future reference, there is an IN Character Event Discussion option in this events folder as well as an IN Character Fiction (which seems right up your alley) one in the Social Side folder. Personally speaking, if someone is trying to decide on being creative or comfortable I'll always prefer seeing creative. It's just more interesting.
Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.