Enelne’s eyes
Rakash fighters within the western lands have been known to state that even within utter corruptive destruction, Nature will find way, it’s but that one must learn to speak Her language in order to recognize the signs. This unwavering belief has helped to sustain generations who have pushed back, seeing themselves as conduits through which the Gods can perform their great cleansing and return the land to its purity. The extremely rare, opaque blue-green stones known as Enelne’s eyes are considered by them to be one of these signs, both due to their natural lobed shaped that roughly resembles an extremely stylized pair of butterfly’s wings, and to the curious locales in which they are found -- namely in the guts of the undead themselves. Taken as a symbol of hope and renewal amidst even the most thorough corruption, the curious gems are cherished as protective talismans, often braided into hair as beads or decorating the armor of those who have found them in their battles against a seemingly unending enemy.
Blighted gold
A corrupted version of the blue gold that the Prydaen had traditionally used to create holy symbols, blighted gold is neither truly man-made nor natural, but instead a product of long term exposure to the necromantic perversion that permeates everything in the western lands. The most common way to encounter blighted gold is in old pieces of jewelry or decorations worn by the undead themselves, the once-valued possessions of the original person left to fester just as much as their bodies. Due to this, it is thought that such close contact with undeath may speed up the process of corruptive conversion. For reasons unknown to the remaining living denizens beyond the Barrier, only blue gold has suffered this particular fate, and it has become a point of pride to reclaim as many of these pieces as is possible, leading to warriors frequently wearing them as memorials to the lost. Blighted gold has a distinctive, mottled appearance containing all of the hues of rotting flesh and does not hold a shine, no matter how often it is polished.
Senci (ancestor in Rakash)
Exclusively found very near the Barrier on its western side, senci is thought to have been created by the magics that formed the Barrier itself. Discovered after Lyras and her generals had unsuccessfully attempted to bypass the Barrier by tunneling beneath it, the only known deposits of this rare stone are clustered in spike-like veins extending down for at least a dozen feet. Mining of senci was taboo amongst both the Rakash and the Prydaen until after the Barrier’s corruption, as no one wanted to be the cause of anything that might have potentially weakened the one thing keeping Lyras contained. Now it is incorporated into weapons and armor in the hopes that any lingering magics may help guide the actions of its owner as the Elders who tied their life forces to the Barrier once did for their peoples. It is a very hard stone and resembles glaes in its glossy sheen, but its color is a distinctively vibrant green traced with thin, shimmering veins.
Kadepa (highland in Prydaenese)
Similar to damite in its properties, but more easily worked, this metal is found only in the western lands beyond the Great Barrier. Once kadepa was plentiful, frequently found in mines in the highlands from where it got its name, but also seen in smaller flecks within rivers and streams that carried it with them into the valleys. However, since the corruption of the land by Lyras, kadepa has been found less and less, leading some amongst the Prydaen to speculate that Eu itself has pulled the metal farther within the land, protecting it from the evil magic that twists everything else that once was pure. Further credence to this idea has been lent in recent times, when spikes of kadepa have erupted from the ground near the Sunfell Hub site, as if nature itself were providing the Claw with one last, untainted weapon. Kadepa is a dark silvery blue reminiscent of a clear, star-strewn sky just before dawn.