Duskruin Moonsilver Pendant on 08/12/2021 12:33 PM CDT
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Periodically my pendant will just stop functioning, without me doing anything with it.

I can't pinpoint what's doing it, but I suspect it's BURGLE.

I've tried removing it, rewearing it and rubbing to activate. I get all the proper activation messaging, but when I'm looked at everything is visible.

First time this happened, I was arrested while a GH was assisting me. The arrest fixed the bug. This last time, I burgled again, and it fixed the bug
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Re: Duskruin Moonsilver Pendant on 08/12/2021 12:40 PM CDT
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Turns out. The bug even occurs when the pendant is removed (which I had to do to submit the bug report)
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Re: Duskruin Moonsilver Pendant on 08/12/2021 10:03 PM CDT
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Turns out this was an issue with moonblade slivers. The slivers cancel out the pendant glamour. RELEASE SLIVER will get rid of them and the shadows will reapply
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