Undead Togball game with Terald on 06/24/2010 12:28 AM CDT
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You see Archaeologist Terald Sanfala, an Elf.
Terald has pointed ears and crystal green eyes. His black hair is shoulder length and fine, and is worn loose, tucked behind his ears. He has tanned skin.
He appears to be archaic.
He is in good shape.

He is holding a brittle leather map in his right hand.
He is wearing a shoulder pad upon which a squirrel monkey is sitting, a weathered leather fedora, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a small winged lizard charm, a black cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbow, a forest green traveler's cloak, a simple gold ring, a black Imperial dagger sheath inlaid with sparkling green sapphires, some loose tan trousers and a pair of muddy boots.

You see Laborer Jebjer, a Gor'Tog.
Jebjer has grey eyes. He has jade skin.
He appears to be an adult.
He is in good shape.

He is holding a curved machete in his right hand.
He is wearing a faded brown helm, a sweat-stained brown linen bandana, a large canvas carryall, a rough woolen vest edged in embossed leather, some faded brown leathers, some faded brown gloves, some rough leather pants buckled along the side of each leg and a pair of pine-green canvas shoes with several soil stains.

>l sham
Garbed in a pair of black canvas pants shredded at the knees and a motley collection of beaded and feathered necklaces, the ancient-looking male supports himself with the aid of a crooked copperwood staff. His wrinkled olive skin bears dozens of tattooed symbols now faded with the passage of time. Clouded to a ghostly white, the Gor'Tog's eyes stare vacantly out at the world, though he does not appear inhibited by his lack of proper sight.

A hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman just arrived.

Jebjer glances at a hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman.

Samsaren blinks.

A hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman gesticulates urgently.

Malyck says to Terald, "Have you asked the Ranger Guild Leader posted here? About the field you are looking for that is."

Leucius says, "Hrm."

A hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman exclaims, "No no no! Don't go in there!"

Jebjer lowers his machete.

A hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman says, "Bad things are there. It's cursed."

A hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman says, "The dead are restless."

A hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman waves his hands in Terald's face.

Jebjer glances back and forth between Terald and the shaman, unsure of how to proceed.

Sonjaa appears to be listening intently for something.

Terald pats the shaman on the back.

A hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman says, "I worry plenty if yer gonna disturb the dead togballers."

A hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman glances at Terald.

Terald moves a brittle leather map to his left hand.

A hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman says, "If you don't find them, they'll find you. And the rest of the Clan, which is what I'm worried about. You can go ahead and get yerself killed if you feel like it."

A hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman sighs.

Terald inspects the area for signs of the entrance to the elusive abandoned Togball field. He motions to Jebjer with a crooked finger, beckoning him closer and pointing out a specific spot for the Gor'Tog to start hacking at the overgrowth.

Liurilias nods to a hunchbacked Gor'Tog shaman

Terald stares coolly at the shaman for a moment before returning his gaze to Jebjer. Both men observe the Gor'Tog working hastily with his machete. The Elf thumbs the document in his hands, watching over the activity and the crowd with feigned casualness. Meanwhile, the shaman paces nervously, thumping his copperwood staff against the ground in staggered strikes.

Beads of sweat pour down Jebjer's face as he labors with his machete to clear a path through the foliage. He removes his bandana for a moment, mops his brow and cheeks, and then ties it around his forehead once more after gazing up at the mid-morning sky. As he raises the blade to slash through the overgrown weeds again, a heavy rumbling shakes the ground. The Gor'Tog whips around to stare at Terald.

Staring anxiously at Terald, Jebjer slaps the machete against his palm, waiting for a response. Terald steps forward, analyzing the crowd, the beginnings of the path, and the sky above, which has now turned a sickly green above Boar Clan in particular. He leans in toward Jebjer and says quietly, "I'm paying you a hefty sum for your help. I would be most appreciative if the job could be finished without any further delay. Come on, now... since when did you believe in silly ghost tales? That's a good man," he concludes, patting Jebjer on the back.

The Gor'Tog shaman raises his staff to the sky and turns around in a slow circle while mumbling an incomprehensible incantation. A few onlookers watch the elderly man perform his ritual with worried expressions on their faces. Terald approaches them personally and reassures them that nothing is wrong.

Reluctantly, Jebjer goes back to the task of hacking the plant growth. The rhythm of his chopping blends with the shaman's chanting to inadvertently create a bizarre, unsettling dirge. Darkening by the second, the sky seems to respond to the accidental music, though only in the vicinity of Boar Clan. The areas above the Vela'tohr Woods and down closer to the Dwarven city remain clear of any unusual occurrences in the sky.

Terald gazes at an overgrown path blocked by weeds and branches.

Tremors wrack the ground, nearly throwing Jebjer and Terald to the grassy earth. The shaman is not quite so lucky, and he unfortunately tumbles forward to his knees, disrupting his rhythmic chant. Instantly, a tumultuous crash of thunder accompanied by a bright zigzag of lightning burst into life directly past the overgrowth through which Jebjer was cutting.

An enraged tusky bellows a battle squeal, plunging its massive tusks into the earth and spraying dirt everywhere! The possessed beast rises up onto its haunches, pounds the air with its front feet and thunders back onto all fours with rabid determination. The tremendous force of its hooves colliding with the ground shakes you to your very core!

Boar Clan, Split-Log Path]
The droop-roofed longhouses cluster in groups of three and four upon slight mounds to keep out rainwater. Though similar at first glance, closer inspection reveals their unique construction. While homes and shops have stone chimneys that rise well above the roof to keep stray cinders from the thatching, food stores are chimneyless and supported several hands above the ground by rat-proof mushroom-shaped stones. You also see a tiny cinnamon carnelian, a tiny cinnamon chrysoberyl, a curved machete, a mutant togball, a mutant togball, a medium cobalt iolite, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a tiny spotted blue-purple quartz, an enraged tusky, a zombie head-splitter which appears dead, a zombie head-splitter, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a tiny platinum bar, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a tiny gold bar, some waermodi stones, a tiny orange-red sunstone, a small silver nugget, a tiny green-yellow peridot, a large mint green chrysoprase, a medium piece of ivory, a small cyan chalcedony, some silver coins, a bronze coin, some copper coins, a medium blue moonstone, an enraged tusky, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a huge piece of amber, a tiny gold bar, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a medium smoky olive diopside, a small moss-green kunzite, an enraged tusky, a small yellow citrine, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, an Immortal Huldah card, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a tiny gold nugget, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a brown paper-wrapped package, a small yellow-green alexandrite, an enraged tusky, a zombie mauler, a zombie mauler, a medium silver nugget, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, an enraged tusky, a zombie stomper, a zombie mauler, a mutant togball, a mutant togball, an overgrown path and some junk.
Also here: Empath Sonjaa, Arcane Researcher Powerhaus, Lord General Leucius, the body of Laborer Jebjer who is lying down.
Obvious paths: southeast, west.

Driving in with naturally fluid movements, a zombie mauler moans hauntingly and stomps at a mutant togball. A mutant togball fails to dodge, taking the full blow. The fists lands a massive strike that sends black pus gushing from the hip as the right leg breaks free!
The mutant togball topples over onto its side, its stunted arms and legs moving frantically but getting nowhere, looking much like an upended potato bug.

Only the biggest, baddest boars are chosen to serve as the official mascot of the Gor'Tog clan that takes its name from the ferocious creature. This specimen is no exception, and it looks especially nasty now that it has returned from the dead to wreak havoc upon all who tread across its sacred home field. About the size of a grizzly bear and just as hairy, the smelly swine tosses its meaty head around in a battle gesture to fully display its two humongous tusks. Foam drips from the beast's mouth at the mere thought of impaling the next oblivious trespasser.

desc stomp
Bits of rotting flesh drop off this large rotting biped. The tattered remains of a once-colorful jersey hang from its torso, and flaps of leather hang from ancient boots on its massive feet. The whole horrid mess is covered in a thick layer of mud. A look of combined rage and puzzlement adorns what's left of its face. Perhaps dinner is late?

desc togb
Hunchbacked into a sickly "C" shape, the stunted creature's spine curves like the handle of a giant coffee mug. The deformed humanoid's leathery brown skin exhibits dozens of old scars from use on the playing field as merely a tool, an object at the disposal of much stronger and violent beings. Neither its bulging eyes or mangled facial features provide information about which sentient race it belonged to prior to its damnation. Vertebrae, grossly misshapen and misaligned, protrude from the figure's back, forever warped into place by cruel and unforgiving hands. Plastered with a crazed expression of morbid fear mixed with insatiable bloodlust, the togball foams at the mouth in anticipation of gaining revenge on those responsible for its current state, no matter how hopeless an endeavor that may be.

The mutant togball closes to melee range on a zombie stomper.

The zombie head-splitter seems little more than a large, mud-encrusted, decaying lump with limbs attached. Really, it looks pretty much the same as when it was moving except its legs are no longer on the ground.

Bits of rotting flesh drop off this large rotting biped. The tattered remains of a once-colorful jersey hang from its torso, and flaps of leather hang from ancient boots on its massive feet. The whole horrid mess is covered in a thick layer of mud. A look of combined rage and puzzlement adorns what's left of its face. Perhaps dinner is late?

Bugs pour from the togball's open orifices. Slowly but surely, the insects consume the toughened flesh and rotting bones. Ultimately, nothing is left except for a togball-sized stain on the ground, which oddly enough seems to be making quite a rude gesture with one silhouetted finger.

app tog

You are certain that the mutant togball is healthy.
You are certain that it is a great deal less agile than you are.
You are certain that it is significantly less quick to react than you are.
You are certain that it is quite a bit weaker than you are.
Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a deep indigo iltesh and wearing a dark ironwood buckler painted with a graceful white swan, you are certain that the mutant togball is well beneath your abilities.
Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with a deep indigo iltesh, you are certain that the mutant togball is a creature completely beneath your notice.

app maul
You are certain that the zombie mauler is healthy.
You are certain that it is somewhat less agile than you are.
You are certain that it is about as quick to react as you are.
You are certain that it is apparently as strong as you are.
Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a deep indigo iltesh and wearing a dark ironwood buckler painted with a graceful white swan, you are certain that the zombie mauler is a less skilled opponent.
Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with a deep indigo iltesh, you are certain that the zombie mauler is well beneath your abilities.

app head
You are certain that the zombie head-splitter is healthy.
You are certain that the zombie head-splitter is slightly fatigued.
You are certain that it is somewhat less agile than you are.
You are certain that it is about as quick to react as you are.
You are certain that it is a little stronger than you are.
Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a deep indigo iltesh and wearing a dark ironwood buckler painted with a graceful white swan, you are certain that the zombie head-splitter is a less skilled opponent.
Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with a deep indigo iltesh, you are certain that the zombie head-splitter is an easy opponent.

You are certain that the enraged tusky is battered.
The enraged tusky has a major wound.
You are certain that it is rather less agile than you are.
You are certain that it is not quite as quick to react as you are.
You are certain that it is about as strong as you are.
Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a deep indigo iltesh and wearing a dark ironwood buckler painted with a graceful white swan, you are certain that the enraged tusky is a slightly less skilled opponent.
Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with a deep indigo iltesh, you are certain that the enraged tusky is an easy opponent.

>app stom
You are certain that the zombie stomper is healthy.
You are certain that it is rather less agile than you are.
You are certain that it is not quite as quick to react as you are.
You are certain that it is about as strong as you are.
Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a deep indigo iltesh and wearing a dark ironwood buckler painted with a graceful white swan, you are certain that the zombie stomper is definitely less skilled.
Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with a deep indigo iltesh, you are certain that the zombie stomper is something that you'd kill quickly.

Terald says, "It's just easier to deal with this sort of thing when its not pouring like mad."
Jebjer squints.
Samsaren says, "For sure."
Sendithu looks thoughtfully at Terald.
Malyck nods.
Sendithu asks, "What sort of thing, if I may pry?"
Jebjer chuckles.
Terald opens his leather hiking pack.
Terald gets a brittle leather map from inside his leather hiking pack.
Terald closes his leather hiking pack.
Terald points at a brittle leather map he has.
Samsaren raises an eyebrow.
Terald says, "Maps and maps."
Malyck flashes a wide grin.
Terald says, "Where they start and where they end."
Liurilias knits his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown.
Terald says, "This one just happens to end here."
Terald says, "Well, a bit north of HERE actually."
Wind Runner Aleyden just arrived.
Wind Runner Aleyden went through a palisade gate.
Wind Runner Aleyden came through a palisade gate.
Wind Runner Aleyden runs northeast.
Malyck asks, "What do you expect we'll find?"
Sendithu asks, "Are you sure it doesn't start here and end where it began?"
Terald turns his map a little.
Terald says, "I thinki..."
Sendithu grins.
Wind Runner Aleyden just arrived.
Wind Runner Aleyden went through a palisade gate.
Sonjaa ponders.
Malyck chortles softly at some secret joke.
Terald says, "Oh, in fact, I'm quite sure of the direction. The map includes arrows. Quite handy in that sense."
Terald says, "It actually began in what looks to be an older portion of Raven's Point."
Samsaren says, "Good thinking of the mapmaker."
Sendithu nods to Samsaren.
Terald nods to Samsaren.
Terald says, "I concur."
Terald says, "It makes my job significantly easier."
Jebjer says, "My job remains the same."
Terald nods to Jebjer.
Terald says, "You've got the easy part."
Jebjer pats a curved machete.
Liurilias slowly asks, "How far north?"
Samsaren asks, "Trailblazer?"
Samsaren nods to Jebjer.
Jebjer says, "Of a sort."
Jebjer says, "I fell the plants."
Terald says to Liurilias, "Oh, about..."
Terald furrows his brow.
Liurilias gazes off to the north.
Terald says to Liurilias, "We could ride a horse there."
Terald says to Liurilias, "But by the time we got on, we'd have to get right back off again."
Malyck chuckles.
Sendithu grins.
Liurilias chuckles.
Samsaren asks, "A short hike at most then?"
A small golden snake slithers up from Sonjaa's wrist and transfers itself to her neck, looping itself in graceful coils before falling back to sleep.
Terald says, "A brief stroll, even."
Liurilias guardedly asks, "So not near Asketi's Temple, right?"
Terald glances up at the sky.
Terald says, "Oh no."
Terald says, "If it were near there, I wouldn't be so..."
Liurilias chuckles to himself.
Jebjer smirks.
Samsaren asks, "Do you have need of an escort for your trip, assuming the weather breaks?"
Lord General Leucius came through a palisade gate.
Terald says, "That temple of Botuk Hei was enough to teach me my lesson in that regard."
Terald says, "Honestly, I think this is about as good as we're going to get."
Jebjer says, "Ah, more peanuts for the gallery."
Leucius says, "Hello folks."
Malyck nods to Terald.
Terald says, "YOu're welcome to tag along, of course."
Sendithu says, "Good grief, Leucius outside of Shard. I may faint."
Malyck says, "Its not raining too bad now at least."
Leucius says, "I'm just following an Empath. Don't mind me."
Leucius nods.
Terald nods to Malyck.
Sendithu gives Leucius a crooked grin.
Terald stands up.
Leucius just took the hand of Sonjaa and gently kissed the back of it.
Malyck stands up.
Malyck stretches his arms.
Sonjaa smiles at Leucius.
Liurilias says, "Botuk Hei? That is not familiar to me..."
Liurilias knits his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown.
Terald says, "They're... reasonably unpleasant."
Terald frowns.
Jebjer looks at Liurilias and shrugs.
Malyck says, "To say it mildly..."
Jebjer picks the dirt out from underneath his fingernails with the tip of his machete.
Terald says, "They seem to have stopped chasing me, at least."
Liurilias flicks one ear back as though listening for something.
Terald says, "So I'll happily continue to avoid Ratha to keep it that way."
Samsaren chuckles.
Malyck grins.
Liurilias knits his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown.
Jebjer says, "Nasty place, that."
Jebjer nods to Terald.
Samsaren says, "Some give that advise no matter."
Samsaren nods to Terald.
Terald says to Jebjer, "Lots of water."
Sendithu grins.
Jebjer says, "And S'Kra."
Liurilias gestures his arms in a wide arc, slowly bringing his hands together to steeple his fingers.
Terald pats Jebjer on the back.
Jebjer shudders.
Terald asks, "You ready, lad?"
Terald says, "Good."
Jebjer says, "I am."
Terald says, "Let's go."
Jebjer coughs.
Jebjer stands up.
Terald says, "Now then... if we take a left at..."
Terald gazes at his map.
Liurilias asks, "Do you mind if we follow to observe or assist?"
Liurilias chuckles.
Sendithu grins.
Malyck asks, "Who is taking point?"
Malyck grins at Terald.
Samsaren chuckles.
Terald says, "I know exactly where it's at. I scouted ahead last evening."
Terald exclaims, "To the field!"

Terald says, "Someone should have blazed a trail to there from here."
Archaeologist Terald goes northeast, leading his group.
[Boar Clan, Split-Log Path]
Dirty straw litters a walkway branching off to the east toward some tall doors on a long, narrow building that rustles with the braying of animals. The thatched roof is crowned with a carved wooden horse's head at the point of each gable.
Also here: Laborer Jebjer, Protector Malyck, High Priest Liurilias who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Sir Samsaren, Sendithu, Empath Sonjaa, Lord General Leucius, Archaeologist Terald.
Obvious paths: north, southwest.
Jebjer grasps his chin roughly and jerks it to the side. You hear a loud pop and see him visibly relax.
Sonjaa rests her hand on Leucius's arm with a soft smile.
Malyck winces.
Archaeologist Terald goes north, leading his group.
Jebjer shrugs.
Archaeologist Terald's group went through an archway.
Obvious paths: east, west.
Terald says, "You'll notice..."
Terald says, "That this is a field."
Malyck nods to Terald.
Samsaren chuckles.
Jebjer gazes at Terald.
Liurilias chuckles.
Terald says to Jebjer, "You don't get off that easy."
Malyck gives a slight nod.
Samsaren says, "I'd hope not, because if I hear a whistle..."
Samsaren casually observes the area.
Jebjer smirks.
Malyck snickers.
Leucius says, "Watch out for flying Gnomes."
Leucius nods.
Sonjaa gestures.
Rutilant sparks of light encircle Sonjaa, seeping into her skin and bathing her in a warm glow.
Leucius smiles at Sonjaa.
Jebjer pokes his finger at a green wooden boar.
Terald says, "However..."
Terald says, "If what the old geezers say, or rather what they DIDN'T say, is true... we want something very similiar to this."
Malyck ponders.
Jebjer says, "Kay."
Terald says to Malyck, "Really, it's what they weren't telling me about the map that got me interested."
Malyck peers quizzically at Terald.
Malyck asks, "And what is that?"
Terald says to Malyck, "The averted eyes, the long pauses before answering. They know SOMETHING is here."
Malyck frowns.
Archaeologist Terald's group went through an archway.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.
Sendithu stops teaching.
Terald says, "They kept trying to point me in the direction of that field right there."
Terald points at an archway.
Jebjer ponders.
Malyck nods.
Terald says, "It just didn't quite line up with the map."
Terald nods to Malyck.
Sendithu wraps her arms around Liurilias in a loving hug.
Terald says, "You know how old people are."
Sonjaa begins to listen to Liurilias teach the Shield Usage skill.
Malyck winces.
Terald gazes up at the sky.
Malyck glances up at the sky.
Jebjer nods in agreement.
Terald says to Jebjer, "Bad luck for you, sport."
Liurilias chuckles.
Jebjer rubs his neck.
Samsaren chuckles.
Samsaren says, "Thanks."
Malyck ponders.
Leucius nods.
Leucius says, "Surely."
Thin ribbons of red-gold light dance around Sonjaa, suffusing her in a fiery glow.
Malyck says, "Well, even with the rain, we could at least look for the proper field..."
Archaeologist Terald goes northwest, leading his group.
[Boar Clan, Split-Log Path]
The droop-roofed longhouses cluster in groups of three and four upon slight mounds to keep out rainwater. Though similar at first glance, closer inspection reveals their unique construction. While homes and shops have stone chimneys that rise well above the roof to keep stray cinders from the thatching, food stores are chimneyless and supported several hands above the ground by rat-proof mushroom-shaped stones.
Also here: Lord General Leucius, Empath Sonjaa, Protector Malyck, Sendithu, Sir Samsaren, High Priest Liurilias who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Laborer Jebjer, Archaeologist Terald.
Obvious paths: southeast, west.
Archaeologist Terald goes west, leading his group.
[Boar Clan, Split-Log Path]
Near the path, a large hide stretched within a cord-bound branch frame is branded with a few words in large block letters. The acrid smell of tannin wafts from a longhouse with a leather-covered door studded with darkened bronze tacks.
Also here: Laborer Jebjer, High Priest Liurilias who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Sir Samsaren, Sendithu, Protector Malyck, Empath Sonjaa, Lord General Leucius, Archaeologist Terald.
Obvious paths: east, southwest.
Malyck ponders.
Terald says, "The furrier here..."
Samsaren says, "So an open flat field, but nae a Togball field, hmm."
Jebjer shifts his weight.
Terald says, "The furrier was the most revealing."
Liurilias shivers suddenly, seeming less secure.
Jebjer asks, "Oh?"
Terald says, "Lots of stories of odd goings on in the middle of the night and whatnot."
Malyck raises an eyebrow.
Jebjer furrows his brow.
Malyck says, "Hmm."

Terald says, "I told him to quit cheating on his wife and talk to me about the map."
Terald says, "Then I got kicked out."
Malyck laughs!
Sendithu laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Liurilias chuckles.
Jebjer gulps.
Leucius grins.
Leucius says, "Go figure."
Liurilias gestures over the cerulean orb, muttering tones of enchantment!
The cerulean orb is wreathed in a shroud of misty white light. Suddenly, the shroud begins to fray into wispy tendrils that seem to mimic the motions of Liurilias's arcane gestures. Slowly the tendrils meld with it, sinking into its core as it sets off a luminous glow.
Samsaren snorts, loudly.
Archaeologist Terald goes east, leading his group.
[Boar Clan, Split-Log Path]
The droop-roofed longhouses cluster in groups of three and four upon slight mounds to keep out rainwater. Though similar at first glance, closer inspection reveals their unique construction. While homes and shops have stone chimneys that rise well above the roof to keep stray cinders from the thatching, food stores are chimneyless and supported several hands above the ground by rat-proof mushroom-shaped stones.
Also here: Lord General Leucius, Empath Sonjaa, Protector Malyck, Sendithu, Sir Samsaren, Laborer Jebjer, Archaeologist Terald.
Obvious paths: southeast, west.
Terald says, "Really, they didn't help me at all."
Jebjer leans on his machete.
Malyck nods.
The bandages binding Sonjaa's back become useless and fall apart.
Terald says, "Not in any real sense, beyond confirming that I was onto something."
Terald says, "So I'm just going by what the map tells me."
Jebjer nods to Terald.

Terald says, "Which should be somewhere... here."
Leucius says, "Famous last wrods."
Terald says to Jebjer, "I've only been lied to by a map a coupla dozen times."
Liurilias begins to lecture Sendithu on the proper use of the Shield Usage skill.
Sendithu begins to listen to Liurilias teach the Shield Usage skill.
Samsaren says, "No kidding."
Jebjer smirks.
Malyck scratches his head.
Terald says, "My famous last words are generally, "Run."
Samsaren gulps.
Samsaren says, "Noted."
Malyck says, "So, you said the map seemed off alittle."
A yellow-tufted boobrie lifts its head and nuzzles Leucius's ear before warbling a heart-rending melody.
Sonjaa looks over her shoulder nervously.
Jebjer says, "Lets hope you have enough throat left to yell them should something go awry."
Terald nods to Malyck.

Terald says, "It didn't follow the known roads."
Terald says, "I had to backtrack a few times on my way here from Raven's Point."
Malyck asks, "And did you ask anyone around here about older roads that might not be around anymore?"
Terald says, "They're all generally unhelpful, openly anyway."
Terald says to Malyck, "You just learn to read people in my profession."
Terald says, "Otherwise, I'd never find anything."
Leucius asks, "What are we looking for?"
Terald says, "And now that I think about it... that's probably not a bad idea in some cases."
Terald says, "Anyway..."
Malyck says, "So they are probably hiding something from you..."
Terald says to Leucius, "A field. Hiding some untold treasures."
Leucius says, "Ah okay."
Leucius says, "I was up to speed and didn't know it."
Terald says, "Welcome to my world. All sorts of maybes, and one surety."
Jebjer says, "All this talk is making my blade dull."
Malyck asks, "Perhaps one of us could ask them? Maybe get a different answer?"
Terald says, "That only thing I know for sure is that I'll find something."
Liurilias quietly says, "Not everything that is found is a good to find."
Malyck says, "But there are some things worth the risk."
Terald says, "Exactly. You generally don't find out which it is, u ntil you find it and it tries to eat your face, or Cesiro shows up trying to buy it."
Leucius says, "Or both."
Leucius says, "I officially don't see a field here."
Jebjer asks, "Here?"
Terald says to Jebjer, "Might as well get started, lad."
Malyck says to Terald, "Have you asked the Ranger Guild Leader posted here? About the field you are looking for that is."
Leucius says, "Hrm."
Jebjer asks, "Err, what?"
Leucius asks, "Why not?"
Samsaren says, "I think you have found a winner..."
Terald says, "I'm not sure what you mean, good sir."
Malyck asks, "Curse? Cursed how?"
Terald asks, "Oh?"
Jebjer says, "Uh."
Jebjer says to Terald, "You didn't say anything about a curse, boss."
Leucius says, "We can take care of that."
Terald says to Jebjer, "They always say that. It's their last line of defense."
Samsaren says, "I'd say so."
Malyck says, "If there are undead about, I think we should investigate..."
Terald says, "Though, there really did appear to be one on Ratha..."
Jebjer asks, "What kind of curse, old man?"
Samsaren asks Leucius, "I'll protect Sonjaa, you keep overwatch, in case?"
Malyck says, "Go on..."
Terald says, "Don't you worry yourself, old timer."
Leucius says, "We're able."
Leucius says, "What able I'm not going to say but able."
Sendithu asks, "Dead..togballers?"
Terald asks, "Ghost stories now?"
Leucius asks, "Would that be mostly gnomes?"
Samsaren asks, "So very large, somewhat...agressive shambling dead?"
Sendithu says, "I think the gnomes would be dead togballs."
Leucius says, "Ah, right."
Terald says, "No disrespect meant, of course."
Terald says, "It's just..."
Terald says, "This has become pretty old hat for me."
Leucius says, "He's calling you smart. It's a compliment, run with it."
Terald says, "I show up, everyone screams curse and ghost stories, then I find stuff, they get upset they didn't find it."
Sendithu says, "Well..if these dead togballers are restless, perhaps we can help put them at ease."
Leucius says, "I'm sure you hear about ghostly togball players pretty much daily."
Samsaren says, "I'd say we're equipt for that."
Leucius says, "Lyras's big mistake: forgetting to enlist the togball players."
Leucius asks, "Who knew?"
Malyck asks, "Your whole clan is waking from the dead?"
Jebjer says, "Togball is the sacred game. I do not find that funny."
Leucius says, "Well lets go peek."
Terald says, "Right then. Less offending the help, more making the help help."
Leucius says, "If something needs be put to rest, that should solve some issues."
Terald says to Jebjer, "Go ahead, lad."
Samsaren says, "Steady..."
Leucius says, "Getting there."
Leucius says, "Hrm."
Liurilias says, "Erm."
Samsaren says, "So much for rain being the issue..."
Leucius says, "Well thats one way to clear."
Liurilias asks, "Did you all see that?"
Malyck says, "This is getting quite ominous..."
Liurilias says, "With the Toggish fellow...and...what not."
Sendithu says, "Wooo."
Samsaren says, "Oh."
Leucius says, "Quite the party."
Jebjer says, "Oh... my..."
Leucius says, "Carefull."
Leucius asks, "Maybe I should lead?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Samsaren say, "Watch that stomp."
Jebjer says, "Arrgh."
Jebjer says, "This beast..."
Jebjer exclaims, "It won't die!"
Jebjer exclaims, "What have you done!"
Leucius asks, "Hanging in there Jebjer?"
Leucius says, "That would be a no."
Leucius says, "Go for it, we can hold them off."
You hear the ghostly voice of Jebjer say, "This is not good."
Powerhaus says, "Lemme try.."
Powerhaus says, "Bah."
Leucius says, "Getting there."
Leucius says, "Sure is alot of them."
You hear the ghostly voice of Jebjer exclaim, "Help me!"
Leucius says, "I had no idea Togballing could go this bad."
Powerhaus says, "Annoying..."
Samsaren says, "Brief banner Southeast."
Leucius says, "Great."
Leucius says, "Get Jeb in there."
Sendithu says, "These are awesome."
Leucius says, "In a very weird kind of way."
Leucius says, "Rather never ending."
Sendithu says, "Grab some loot."
Leucius says, "It feels like chopping wood."
Leucius says, "Thank you."
Liurilias says, "Hopefully this doesn't hurt you all.."
Leucius says, "More famous last words."
Leucius says, "I dropped my lucky copper coin..."
Leucius says, "Looks like Jeb is back."
Liurilias says, "Mhm, I resurrected him already."
Leucius asks, "Where did Terald go?"

-Armifer says consequences are how we honor evil roleplaying.
-Abasha says, "Personally, I love supporting evil characters, but not if they can't take their lumps too.
-Quarel says, "Not me I hit you because I like to hit."
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Re: Undead Togball game with Terald on 06/24/2010 07:14 AM CDT
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We got to play with these in TF last night. Was a lot of fun. Tiesse's great at making critters.
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Re: Undead Togball game with Terald on 06/24/2010 08:00 AM CDT
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I cannot wait to go look at these. They sound like such an awesome, fun addition. teehee zombie togballs.

I wonder if they are constructs.


The gods are jerks. No, really.-Armifer

I don't think we ever take the training wheels off as players or gamemasters.-Inauri
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Re: Undead Togball game with Terald on 06/24/2010 08:25 AM CDT
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well considering most togballs have a little person in them in them, they're probably not constructs(these had a little twisted gnombs in them, and you can carve out their little vertebraes too), it took awhile to get the image of a cartoon ball with eyes and teeth out of my head though.
was fun watching the togballers kick the togballs around.
Is this still going on? seemed like there was no end to it last night and I took off after awhile. (we got it down to 30 critters from 50-60, but they seemed to stay at that number despite how many we killed)


Suddenly a large group of men in white coats appear and wrestle Grisgonda to the ground. "Awright, Grisgonda!" barks the leader. "Come along quietly now, and you won't get hurt!"
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Re: Undead Togball game with Terald on 06/24/2010 03:56 PM CDT
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well I went and explored the path they hacked out, it's a neat looking new hunting area with everything seperated(i didn't find tusky's yet). The outhouse made me laugh too.

I'm guessing this part is permanent?

They were still invading the town, so I"m guessing that'll continue until Terald fixes things with the shaman or whatever happend.


A Dragon Priest assassin softly snarls to itself, "Kill a man, and you are an assssssassssssin! Kill millionsss of men, and you are a conqueror! Kill everyone, and you are a god!"
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Re: Undead Togball game with Terald on 06/24/2010 04:02 PM CDT
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Look all over, you can climb up the bleachers and such. We got good and lost for a good stretch.


Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
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Re: Undead Togball game with Terald on 06/24/2010 04:22 PM CDT
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yeah i found a barrel, a gap, a plank, and the bleachers that works as barriers.. there's also some buildings you can go into like the the shed(which was kind of big) and the outhouse. Maybe I saw tusky's and just ignore them.
Some of them got a few nasty hits in so I was just kind of running around, looking at things and in, under, on, behind them.

Seemed to be around 50 or more rooms big.

Disappointed I couldn't fill my mug with murky gross rain water or couldn't smell the sludge from past the hole.


A Dragon Priest assassin softly snarls to itself, "Kill a man, and you are an assssssassssssin! Kill millionsss of men, and you are a conqueror! Kill everyone, and you are a god!"
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