*Snow and water have stained the parchment heavily, however the Haakish script t is still legible.*
398 AV, Nissa the Maiden.
Greetings Honored Elders,
Forgive me the length of time since I last wrote. My travels have taken me for the last year across the length and breadth of the old dwarven holdings seeking word of my family. The hunt has been less than successful as of late, but I still bear hopes of finding the old holdings. I have enclosed some interesting items from Stone Clan in this missive, since the blockade between Zoluren and Ilithi may have hindered these from reaching you.
Pardon the rambling, I merely wished to inform you as to why it has been so long since my... bah, I ramble like an elf now.
To put it simply, dark clouds gather across the lowlands. The necromantic threat has changed from the heady days of all-out war against Lyras to a more deadly and complex war in the shadows. In Therengia I have heard the least of this threat, and life there seems to be as it usually is. Similarly, I have not heard of anything overly concerning from the Isles, but it could be that the pirates I mentioned in my last missive have successfully cut communications enough.
In Zoluren, one threat has been laid to rest, while others still exist. The ogre chieftain, known by name or title (who can tell with ogres, or cares to stand around long enough to hear the answer) as Naarg, threatened the city and eventually was killed. His predecessor, also Naarg, resumed control over the ogres once the new Naarg was slain. Rumor is that the ogres possess an amulet of Urrem'tier that kept death at bay. Similarly, a new necromancer has arisen who launches periodic attacks against Rivercrossing. I am not sure who this necromancer is or if it attempts to attack any other of the outlying lands.
Lastly, I come to Illitihi. This particular news, given the winter and blockage, may not have reached you yet. Inquisitor Vorasus has apparently been cast from the Inquisition and has adopted a radical stance against the city. He alleges that Guildmistress Sothavi of the Cleric's Guild is a necromancer. His zealots and himself have occupied the fort that they built between Shard and Raven's Point and he launches attacks routinely against the city. I recommend strengthening the watch at Raven's Point in case his forces stir towards Forfedhdar, but at this point it seems directed against Ilithi alone. Also of note is that an assistant to the Tribune was outted mere days ago as being a consort to necromancers.
I can offer little wisdom in these manners, honored elders, save that vigilance is warranted. Kertigen watch over us in these times.
Signed by my hand,
Kraggur Kveldcharn
Moon Mages who get hit with HULP should indulge in their Survival Secondary side and run away.