Debuting at this year's Corn Maze, Damaris weapons are weapons that can be combined and turned to swap into different weapon forms.
The base weapon allows you to combine up to 5 weapons into 1. Potency crystals will each unlock 5 more weapon slots until you get a maximum of 15 weapons. The Damaris weapons are sold with 180 days of TURNing (ability to swap forms) and infuser stones will add another 180 days each.
Damaris weapons can be combined and removed at the wielder's whim, so that different combination sets can be made and adjusted when desired.
Weapon damage impacts the weapon's current form, regardless of which weapon incurred the damage. Only the current weapon form needs to be repaired to remove damage.
Damaris weapons can't be altered or enchanted, due to the nature of the weapon's quirks.
A lot of thanks to Javac for the coding and Grejuva for the QCing!
GM Winna
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