Militia and Visions Meeting! on 01/27/2016 11:39 PM CST
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Greetings! We have two events coming up in Ilithi that I would like to extend invitations for all with interest.

Tomorrow the 28th there will be a congregation of the Crystal Vanguard, militia of Ilithi, to discuss general news and business in the meeting room in the back of the Silver Eye Inn at 9pmE. Potential recruits are encouraged to attend!

On Friday the 29th at 9pmE there will be a Visions Meeting in the Aviary of the Great Tower of Ilithi to discuss the multitude of new visions and recent events! Any interested are welcome to join this open forum and contribute respectful ideas and observations.

Thanks kindly for your attentions!

Mistanna Redivas
Scribe of the Crystal Vanguard
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Militia Meeting Logs on 01/30/2016 02:04 AM CST
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Hello! Here are the Crystal Vanguard Militia Meeting logs from 10/22 and 01/28.

Sorry for the delay!


Rekave says, "Greetings my lovelies."

Mazrian exclaims, "Starlear!"

Starlear exclaims, "Me!"

Starlear says, "Gah."

You say, "Warmage hugs. At least they don't both have up mantle of flame."

Mazrian says, "Mmm...we should set that up."

Starlear says, "That sounds hot."

Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "Haha! freecoffee!watchout!"

Starlear says, "What could possibly go wrong."

Starlear exclaims, "That's very pretty!"

Miskton says, "Some lovely flowers out there in the orchard. Amazing view of the city if you can climb up some of the trees, too."

You say, "Ah well, tis alright we all have our lives."

Rekave says, "I.. Hold on my brain is trying to process this."

Dianelle asks, "What?"

Dianelle says, "Don't do that."

Dianelle says, "I hated that time."

Kaelie says, "Let's keep the sugar out of reach, shall we."

Sebestyen says, "Not bad brandy."

You say, "Okay, I think everyone is here that is going to make it..."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "But Sebestyenalso drankthebrandy..."

Rekave says, "I'm just going to smile and nod, because you seem nice."

Sebestyen says, "I do have a penchant for it."

Starlear says, "She is very nice."

Starlear exclaims, "She is quite exuberant!"

Kaelie says, "Nothing wrong with exuberance. It's refreshing."

You exclaim, "Thank you all for coming today! We don't keep a very strict forum so, no raising hands. Please speak up if you have something to say!"

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Sorry..experiments.."

You say, "We have lots of refreshments and snacks available on the bar and buffet."

You say, "Lets see, first I'd like to welcome our newest recruits, although neither could make it today..."

You say, "Jherrisali who was recruited by Fizzbitty..."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Oops..."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Sorry."

You say, "And Enthien who was recruited by Zandrith."

Starlear exclaims, "I've known Miss Enthien a very long time!"

Jiah quietly says, "I like her. A lot."

Starlear says, "She has awesome boots."

Dianelle says, "Or catch her when she's not on coffee."

You say, "Which is hard since we have lots of it."

You say, "I think that urn is bigger than you are..."

You ask, "Speaking of members though, I do believe just about everyone is needing new badges?"

Starlear says, "Yes. Mine appeared to disappear on me just after I lost spectacularly at siegery this past week."

Rekave says, "We're so organized here, clearly."

You ask, "Yes please sir! If you would?"

Mazrian says, "Organization's overrated. If you don't know what's going on the enemy's sure to have no idea."

Dianelle says, "We're golden then."

Starlear says, "I do."

Starlear says, "Both of my sneaky sergeants do not appear to be here, so I'll have to stick them at some point soon."

You say, "I forsee... that Jaibriel will be here soon..."

You exclaim, "Ohno my secret!"

Sebestyen says, "Nothing at all wrong with Therengian drinkers."

Jaibriel says, "Hello, all."

Levinas calmly says, "Moon Mage is such an umbrella term, anyway."

Samsaren says, "Well, there is, but we forgive you anyways."

Sebestyen says, "Truth be told.. I am from Riverhaven.."

Sebestyen says, "Customs may be a little.. different."

Dianelle says, "What the General said. There's so little to be found in Therenborough unless you eat cupcakes."

Starlear says, "To be fair..."

Rekave says, "General? Oh gods above, no and I hope never."

Jaibriel says, "The cupcakes are attractive, though, to be certain."

Starlear says, "Those are SOME cupcakes."

Dianelle says, "You are to me."

Dianelle says, "Deal."

Starlear quietly says, "Not it."

You say, "While our Commander is straightening those out, because chaos is fun, I'll go ahead and talk about our next topic... which isn't really a militia matter."

Dianelle says, "Say yes."

Jaibriel says, "I should make sure to put that in my will."

Rekave says, "May you share the burden with Starlear, who needs more burdens that are not women or clothing."

Starlear says, "Even if we did, you'd just teleport back anyway."

Dianelle says, "I am so not worried."

You say, "Any militia that are missing your badges, please whisper to Starlear or Jaibriel, or just raise your hand, and they'll get you fixed right up."

Levinas calmly says, "Excuse me a moment."

Rekave says, "For everyone else, this is probably the first time we've had badging all done together."

Jaibriel says, "We never cease hazing."

Mazrian says, "Good man."

You say, "Alright, you might have heard already, but there's a lovely orchard north of town that has recently become a bit more... open to the public."

Starlear exclaims, "It's quite lovely!"

Rekave says, "We usually have a "catch them when you can" attitude towards badging and recruitment. We're a bit relaxed on that front, but this WAS planned, just no one here knew until I showed up."

Dianelle says, "I didn't even know I would be here."

You say, "We're pretty relaxed on a lot of fronts, I think it makes a good militia. We're just citizens working together."

Rekave says, "Oh wonderful, more people. Welcome."

Starlear says, "We're ALL the things."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Ithink imightneedabadge upgrade."

Shaidval says, "Although truthfully, it has been blessedly quiet recently."

You say, "Enjoying puns helps but is not required."

Samsaren says, "Decent requirement list."

Jaibriel asks, "Anyone else still needing a new soldier badge?"

Starlear says, "Whether you enjoy puns or loathe them, you will find camraderie in our ranks."

Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "Yay!"

Rekave says, "Well it. Still looking for it."

You ask, "Okay, where was I?"

Starlear says, "At this rate the goblins will have killed each other off and their new leaders will have no idea what we're talking about."

You say, "Oh, the orchard right! It's full of prereni, a deer native to Ilithi."

You exclaim, "Lots of lovely flowers!"

You say, "Let me know if you'd like to smell this one, it's quite lovely."

You exclaim, "And delicious apples!"

Jiah says, "I was about to say that is a lovely one."

Mazrian asks, "I can't pass that up. May I, Mistanna?"

Dianelle says, "I'd like a perfume made from that flower."

You say, "I brought a bunch of apples for people to try."

Samsaren says, "For the best, not sure trade with goblins is a good road."

You say, "Just grab one."

Starlear says, "I was pressed to look for cider the last time I was there."

Sendithu says, "They wished to take all they could carry out of the forge."

Samsaren says, "Better armed goblins, there's a wonderful idea."

Shaidval says, "We've been round and round about the proposed trade agreement with that goblin tribe. It is above our paygrade now."

Mazrian says, "They're still goblins, after all."

Rekave says, "I wonder if we could convince them to fight Zuath if he showed his vile head again."

Starlear says, "That would be handy."

Samsaren says, "The other aspect is outword impression. How's it look to everyone else if Ilithi is trading with goblins."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Well, ithinktheywouldbedistracted athe metalbecause its shiny, though thatmybe astereotype."

Marcul says, "It would depend on the profit margin. At a certain point, money has a tendancy to erase morality."

Dianelle says, "No it doesn't."

Samsaren says, "Not to me it doesn't."

Jaibriel asks, "We can only fret so much about our perceived appearance to others. How's it look to everyone else if Ilithi murders sentient, otherwise peaceful peoples without opening a discussion first?"

You say, "Please help yourself to an apple if you haven't tried one, I'll just put the rest in Triage or out in our sparring area."

Anlise says, "I think Jaibriel is correct. We should consider the most peaceful answer to this."

Starlear says, "I had suggested that if this does come to fruition, the metal be mixed in a distinctive way so that weapons made with it could be recognized easily if they were used for ill."

Zandrith says, "Mistanna poisoned all of those just so you know."

Lycette asks, "That's why it tastes so good?"

Anlise says, "That's OK, Quentin can snicker at us all as we flee to his office to have the poison cured."

Dianelle says, "Yes because we have no empaths here."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Poisondoesn'tworry me. ilive oncoffeeandsugar."

Mazrian asks, "Who is going to rebuild it for them?"

Starlear says, "I'd feel personally obligated to go out there and put their homestead back together myself. I can't speak for anyone else."

Mazrian says, "Farmers are tough, too, don't get me wrong. But dangers like hordes of goblins are why they have us around."

You say, "I was doing that quite a bit last festival... all those floods? Pretty much everyone needed new irrigation ditches."

Anlise says, "Even so, once a farm is ruined, it takes generations to recover if at all."

Jaibriel wryly says, "Not all farmers are poor, by the way."

Jaibriel says, "They do, in fact, make money from selling their wares."

Dianelle says, "We'd raise it if we didn't."

Starlear says, "I'm sure there's emergency recovery funds someplace in the stack of paperwork."

Rekave says, "I'm afraid that I lost the bid for Handmaiden, or I'd have an answer to that."

Starlear says, "You should've worn the other corset."

Jaibriel says, "We are also not going to stand idly by and let the lands be attacked. There's just quite a difference between that and charging into someone else's land."

You say, "Aye tends to bend the bones out of shape."

Starlear says, "Oh, I had something to add."

You say, "Lets see... next I'd like to talk a bit about upcoming events. We've two on our horizon..."

You say, "Firstly is our Militia Party! We don't have a date for that yet, but anyone that would like to help with decorations, prizes, or other things... we are looking for imput from lots of sources."

You say, "Input too."

Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "I'll help!"

Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "Justletme knowwhat youneed meto do!"

Starlear says, "Well."

You say, "Sounds... about right but Starlear has more details."

Mazrian says, "Arrests. It's not a party until someone goes to jail."

Shaidval says, "Well don't look at me, we get together every Tuesday and beat the hell out of one another. Party might mean something different around here."

Dianelle says, "Or skip to the last step."

Starlear says, "As a lot of you know, I've been on-and-off planning a party/gala/ball/thing for quite some time now. It'll be pretty fancy, so I am still looking for some folks to help out designing stuff for it! Food and such will likely include things from in here and stuff made using those delicious apples, but what I'm really looking for is completely custom designed raffle prizes."

Starlear says, "I do have a fancy cake all set to go."

You say, "Mmm cake."

Starlear says, "Probably up to ten of them, but I've not decided for sure yet."

Starlear says, "And we'll also need to come up with a gift for all the guests."

Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "Ok!"

Starlear says, "Fancy dress is always optional. Go however you're comfortable. Having fun is more important."

You say, "Ah, more true. Aye."

Jaibriel says, "Fancy dress, for the Vanguard, occasionally includes pajamas."

You say, "Or... less."

Dianelle says, "Siege figures. All of them."

Starlear says, "I dress fancy enough for everyone."

Starlear says, "So just wear whatever you like."

Anlise says, "Just please wear something."

You say, "So breaking out one of my kimonos. I don't wear them enough."

Starlear says, "She said that, not me."

Tathalus says, "The loincloth totally counts then."

Dianelle says, "Totally counts."

Starlear says, "Even I own a loincloth."

Rekave says, "If someone manages to outdress Starlear, I promise.. hm. A nice prize."

(Anlise glances at her fingernails a bit. She may just have a bit of a kimono problem.)

Starlear says, "Joke's on you boss, I'm going in drag."

Sebestyen says, "A challenge has been made it seems."

Jaibriel wryly says, "I apparently go in drag frequently."

Starlear says, "I haven't had dates the last few times I went to stuff."

Dianelle says, "I pretend at everything else."

Starlear says, "Cass hasn't been around for me to force to go with me to things."

Starlear asks, "Why would I want my date to wear pants?"

You exclaim, "Next, seigery!"

You say, "Or pants."

Dianelle says, "If you were going in drag."

Starlear says, "Oh! Right, um."

Rekave says, "I think I have about five things to say and I'm trying really hard not to say them."

Starlear says, "That's tentative. There may not be enough booze on the continent."

You say, "We will be participating in the World Seigery Tournament with the Black Fox."

Starlear exclaims, "Woo Siegery!"

You exclaim, "It'll be several months, maybe even next year that we start it up, but tis good to get out some details early!"

Shaidval says, "Yes. Start training those figurines."

Mazrian says, "So in for that."

Dianelle says, "I'd have to get a new case. I gave mine away."

Starlear says, "My figurines are all really great at catching arrows with their faces."

You say, "We'll be meeting in a few days during the Black Fox's meeting (OOC: This coming Monday at 10pmE) at their Order Headquarter recruitment room in Crossing."

Rekave says, "And if you happen to have a Rekave one, I'll be rooting for you specifically."

Starlear says, "...that came out wrong."

Dianelle says, "Totally wrong."

Starlear exclaims, "Ask mistanna, she saw!"

Mazrian says, "Phrasing."

You say, "Oh myyy."

Starlear says, "I meant i keep a bunch of siegery sets on the shelves on my wall and they are not being used."

Starlear says, "They overlook my bed full of stuffed animals."

Rekave says, "Our lieutenant, everyone."

You say, "Piles of kitten plushies."

Anlise says, "If anyone needs refuge, my home is available just outside of Shard on the lake shore and has chocolate and therapy."

Mazrian says, "If we don't, we should."

Starlear says, "Cass gave me a Starlear figure as a present and it kind of started a trend for me."

Shaidval says, "We're at this meeting in the first place, we all need therapy."

Dianelle says, "Maybe I'll hold out for a nelle figure."

Jaibriel says, "I have the best target for hug therapy. Let me know."

Jaibriel says, "He's very fond of hugs."

Starlear says, "Hm, what else is there."

Starlear says, "I have a Malzard, an Etherian, a circle of mages comprised of Sebrahn, Juleanne, and Jaibriel..."

Starlear exclaims, "She even has a tiny bonesaw!"

You say, "Let see... oh! Any spars or seigery events that are going on during the Festival have been cancelled. We'll pick things back up after the spider and Plokks have packed things up."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Oooo."

Kaelie says, "A Juleanne I think would be totally great. I picture it hucking a bola."

Starlear exclaims, "The last two siegery nights were pretty fun!"

Lycette says, "Perfect."

Kaelie says, "That's her to the roast."

You say, "We've had some consideration for extending a helping hand down into Hib, with poor Plokks being burgled. We don't want to overstep but I certainly do encourage everyone to make it to the performances if they can."

You say, "Plokks started out with his first performance here in Ilithi! I certainly enjoyed it."

Rekave says, "There's something decidedly off about him suddenly working with the Gnomes. I just can't put my finger on it."

Starlear says, "It really did come out of gnowhere."

Jaibriel says, "Some gnomes are quite nice to work with."

Lycette says, "I'm gonna need more brandy."

Kaelie says, "Oh gnome, now everyone is doing it."

Mazrian says, "Gnoone has enough brand for this."

Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "Gnomesarethe best!"

Tathalus says, "Atleast the gnome puns arent in short supply."

Jaibriel says, "I lack the talent for this conversation's turn."

Sebestyen says, "Easy to overlook."

You say, "Okay, I think that everything I had on the agenda for today for new news."

Tathalus says, "Had to fire a gnome I had as an accountant."

Tathalus says, "He kept coming up short."

Starlear says, "Don't ever buy from gnomish shopkeepers either."

Starlear says, "They tend to shortchange you."

You say, "It is coming to the time of year where people seem to be cleaning out some old things. If you'd like to put some donations into the Vanguard Prize bag that are too good for our donation rack in Triage, just let me know. We do try to keep it full of nice prizes."

Starlear says, "I'll just hand you a few bags sometime, sorted by color."

Starlear says, "It was a lot of scrolls."

Starlear exclaims, "Good ones too!"

You say, "I'd single them out but they'd take forever to get rid of and I have too much too."

Rekave says, "Can't imagine why."

Jaibriel says, "That sounds dangerous."

Mazrian says, "And the one when I get up."

You ask, "Not unless anyone else would like to discuss something?"

Rekave says, "Let's discuss an invasion of Therengia."

You ask, "Did everyone get a new badge that needs one?"

Rekave says, "Specifically, let's invade a party through Therengia and bring booze to Therenborough."

Starlear says, "That sounds scandalous."

Starlear says, "I'm in."

Dianelle asks, "Ew do we have to?"

Rekave says, "What? That's a great idea."

Sebestyen says, "Likely going to host one soon..."

Tathalus asks, "Why?"

Sebestyen says, "Bring your own.. by all means."

Sebestyen says, "In Riverhaven.."

Tathalus says, "I get sent there as a punishement."

Starlear says, "You should all try the carton."

You say, "Five drink minimum."

Tathalus says, "And my days of filling boots with sand are done."

Rekave says, "I mean, last time I visited, I only managed to get threatened to be drowned by a guard."

Rekave says, "But that had more to do with giving a youth alcohol than anything, I think."

Anlise says, "You would be surprised by the amount of alcohol consumed in Therengia."

Miskton asks, "While I've got a bunch of people around to ask, does anyone know any traders who do auctions on commission?"

Samsaren says, "No comment."

Dianelle asks, "Before and after every audience?"

Lycette says, "I do, occasionally."

Jaibriel says, "Wait, what's wrong with wakes? People need wakes."

Jaibriel says, "Oh! Time for a buffalo wake."

Sendithu says, "Malakye is a doll."

Samsaren says, "I dunno, some of the nonsense I've heard on the gweths of late, I'd say some folks need to cut back, personally."

Starlear says, "Oh right. Gweths."

Sebestyen says, "Nonsense abounds on the gweths.. in every province."

Rekave says, "Well that's the problem, they're interested in her."

Rekave says, "I suppose just looking is fine though."

Dianelle says, "It always is."

Sebestyen says, "Nothing wrong with lovely scenery."

You say, "Oh since we're pretty much over, I can embarass Samsaren's squire for a moment..."

You say, "Sir Eckan here is following me around a bit to practice his training as a bodyguard."

Starlear says, "Failing that, there's always your hammer."

Mazrian says, "Interesting."

Eckan says, "The hammer method is more Sam's speed."

Starlear exclaims, "Oh! I'd heard that! The squire!"

Rekave says, "My hammer does bring the men around. Not usually for anything interesting, but just because it's large and pretty."

Samsaren says, "I only wanna give a lesson once, so I make sure it sticks."

Samsaren says, "So far, so good."

Jaibriel wistfully says, "I could think of several uses for a good squire."

Eckan says, "Nothing like being told he is just going to knock out some of the dents in the brest plate while your still wearing it."

You say, "Not a terribly dangerous job but... as my mom used to say... you do nae start out a weaver making the Lord's cloak, but with an Empath's gauze."

Starlear says, "Thank you for looking after our scribe."

Eckan says, "It is my pleasure, I was greatful she is affording me the opportunity."

Dianelle says, "I don't think I could pay anyone enough to bodyguard me."

Samsaren asks, "You think he's paid?"

Mazrian asks, "Do you often find your body in danger, Dianele?"

Dianelle says, "I think he doesn't have to be."

Eckan asks, "Wait I could get paid?"

Dianelle says, "At times."

Samsaren says, "Nope, I get paid for your work, because you're still in training."

Samsaren asks, "Good deal eh?"

Eckan says, "I guess that explains why you only make me stoke the fire to repair the armor."

Samsaren says, "Thats more because I've seen your hammer work."

Eckan says, "Its getting better."

You say, "Oh, one roi. One of our recuits..."

Eckan says, "Besides I think im prefering the chisel these days anyway."

You say, "Sorry to steal you from the conversation though."

Eckan says, "No no."

Eckan says, "I am glad you finally are getting used to taking me with you."

Eckan says, "Hard to protect you when you dart off without me."

You exclaim, "Oh!"

Rekave says, "He constantly brings me things to sign, read, or that I need to approve or deny, or think about, or stack on my desk for weeks. Also he's old and horribly wrinkly."

Dianelle says, "I'd like to think so."

Starlear says, "I just wanted to put my hand there, sorry."

Lycette says, "Poor guy."

Jaibriel says, "A good trap is, by nature, very enjoyable."

Sebestyen says, "That is quite the shame if true."

Tathalus says, "Iazen."

You say, "Death would have been merciful. Poor soul."

Rekave says, "I think it's still unknown, but no one has been able to recover him, so the rumor is that he's dead."

Sebestyen says, "A rescue would have been better."

Lycette says, "We failed him."

Kaelie says, "It bothers me that it can be said without as much as a blink."

Sebestyen says, "Mere rumor.."

Sebestyen says, "May not be true."

Anlise asks, "Was he in the Keep explosion?"

Starlear says, "Then you tried to kill us a little on your way back."

Samsaren says, "I'm not a citizen of Zoluren, but I'd gladly join an effort to try a rescue."

You say, "He was last seen in the dungeouns of the Elpalzi, in Sorrow's Keep."

Anlise says, "Oh my stars."

Jaibriel says, "May we all deserve the death we face, someday."

Starlear says, "Understandably."

Tathalus asks, "If I spread rumors of my death can I not pay taxes?"

Sebestyen says, "Taxes are more certain."

Kaelie says, "People have rather long since stopped caring it seems."

Anlise says, "Then I hope my death is from overdosing on tea and/or coffee, surrounded by books. I probably suffocated when a stack collapsed on me."

Tathalus says, "Sadly that is true."

Starlear says, "Rumors of my taxes are greatly exaggerated."

Rekave says, "Unfortunate."

Sebestyen says, "That and they seem to come out of the woodwork to defend zombies and constructs and the like.."

Tathalus says, "If you can call it that."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Inmy thoughtsforamoment."

Mazrian says, "People have looked at the high walls and locked gates and given up hope, I think."

Starlear says, "You can definitely count me in if there's some foolhardy storming the keep plan that you ever come up with."

Dianelle says, "Well. The so-called replacement commander we had said the same thing about our commander. He was wrong."

Starlear says, "I live for bad ideas."

Tathalus says, "We almost had something."

Tathalus says, "Was close."

Lycette says, "We thought we did, anyways."

Starlear exclaims, "More often than I die for them, surprisingly!"

You say, "Iazen and Maghana's brother and many others are rumored to still be down there. I probably feel worst for the dwarf they had down there though. We almost snuck in when I got a seer's link on one of the assassins, but the moons set."

Tathalus says, "After one sighting.....never seen him again, no contacts spied him, nothing."

Mazrian says, "Sagmadorz. His grandfather was..."

Rekave asks, "Hm. Is he a jumpy fellow?"

Lycette says, "Very."

Starlear says, "Hopefully he's alright. That sounds like dangerous knowledge to have."

Mazrian says, "I'd say so. The Elpalzi are looking for him."

Lycette says, "And loves pies."

Rekave asks, "Or do you think someone let it out who he was and what he knew?"

Tathalus says, "Yes, oddly he talked to Caraamon."

Tathalus says, "During an elpalzi invasion."

Rekave asks, "Caraamon.. Caraamon. The smith?"

Tathalus says, "Its how we got his name."

Tathalus says, "Aye."

Starlear asks, "So everyone in town heard the very loud discussion, you're saying?"

Lycette says, "He was hoping to hide behind the big old 'tog, should the Elpazi storm the forge."

Tathalus says, "Apparently he also talked to a fellow named Rayureko."

You say, "Aye, I told him hello. I didn't want to interupt him and Caraamon."

Tathalus says, "Means the voice in his language, basically a spiritual leader for the Prydaens."

Rekave asks, "Ah. Is he of any use?"

Tathalus says, "But, not even he has seen him lately."

Tathalus says, "If you are in our area then yes freatly."

Tathalus says, "Greatly even if not."

Lycette says, "He lead us to the location of the new hub awhile back."

Tathalus says, "He is linked to all his souls of the past...."

Lycette says, "Silverclaw, north of Leth."

Rekave asks, "I heard.. some kind of tree house surrounded by tree people?"

Lycette says, "That one."

Tathalus says, "So..back to before their pilgrimage."

Tathalus says, "Good kid if you ever get a chance to meet him."

Rekave asks, "Wait. Kid?"

Rekave asks, "I thought you said he was a leader or something?"

Tathalus says, "Yes, he is........young."

You say, "Aye, he is young in body, but his souls are quite old."

You ask, "Or, soul? Just many lives?"

Tathalus says, "Very old."

Rekave says, "Huh. Weird."

Tathalus says, "Many souls."

Tathalus says, "They go through the wheel."

Tathalus says, "Its like a rebirth."

Dianelle says, "One soul. Many bodies."

Rekave says, "Spokes go through a wheel."

Rekave asks, "Are Prydaen souls spokes?"

Anlise says, "Reincarnation cycle."

Tathalus says, "Their Gods are."

Tathalus says, "They keep it spinnin."

Rekave asks, "I don't understand this topic. Eitherway. Iazen. Did he have anything useful to say on that topic, or is he more removed from it all?"

Rekave says, "Darkali is a fiesty one. I've met her."

Sebestyen says, "I would lend my sword to such a venture."

Starlear says, "We're generally looking out for our own home, but I would help you however I could as well. I make a great arrow target."

Mazrian says, "We'll need that. Some sparkle."

Rekave says, "I'll sort through the piles of nonsense on my desk and see if there's anything that might be of use towards such an action."

Sendithu says, "Pardon us."

Samsaren says, "I need to step away, be safe all."

Mazrian says, "I would appreciate that, Commander."

Starlear says, "Be safe, both of you."

Mazrian says, "Especially any information you might have on the loyal elpalzi."

Starlear says, "He has all the catapults, technically."

Jaibriel says, "Plus, I'm sure we could find, say, a strong Tog to throw a clever Gnome over a wall, sort of like a living catapult."

Rekave says, "You want to launch people in my catapult."

You say, "I have an extra if you need."

Starlear says, "I nominate a prydaen for pun purposes."

Tathalus says, "You see me die, its a bust."

Kaelie says, "I could think of some I'd love to launch. But not sure that would get us where we need to go."

Mazrian says, "We can launch Tathalus and see how it goes."

Starlear says, "It gave me paws at first, but I think we must go through with it anyhow."

Sebestyen says, "All a matter of aiming."

Tathalus says, "It would be a meowment of truth."

Starlear says, "Feline intervention, truly."

You say, "Ah, pardon please. I need to slip off."

Rekave says, "I want to laugh but I also feel terrible for laughing at something involving the notion of something that hinges on a man possibly living free."

You exclaim, "Thank you all for coming out today!"

Starlear says, "Yes, quite, but you have to hope fur the best."


Favre says, "So how's everyone doing? Not sure I've met most of you."

You say, "It's pretty nice to be back really, I had a nice walkabout for a break there."

You say, "Still kind of getting back into things."

Favre says, "Everyone needs that once in awhile."

Miskton says, "I'm doing fairly well. Giving some rusty combat skills a workout in the Duskruin arena."

Favre says, "Oh I need to test out that arena now that I can attack stuff."

You say, "Oh nice, I hadn't tried the arena myself. Wandered around in that maze a few times though."

Drunstan says, "Not ta bad, jes been huntin n such. Figurin get some time away an see how thins be 'ere."

Jaibriel says, "Most of the enemies are undead, yes? I have not leapt in myself."

Favre says, "No they are all regular."

Favre says, "Well most of them."

Favre says, "But I've retired as an empath."

Favre says, "I'm full on battle empath now."

You say, "I've heard holy magic and blessed weapons do help though."

Jaibriel says, "Ah, I saw many skeletons when I watched."

Jaibriel says, "Oh my, indeed? That is an alluring path."

Favre exclaims, "So far it's been fun!"

Miskton says, "There's definitely some undead and cursed enemies in there, so a blessed weapon is helpful."

Favre says, "Not having restrictions on what I can attack is a big boon."

Favre says, "I guess the biggest draw back is not being able to learn empathy. Period."

Favre says, "So no more circling for awhile."

You say, "Aye I can see that. But sometimes it's not about the circles."

Favre says, "Very true! I have every spell I could ever want."

Drunstan asks, "So yas.. hm. Yas kin hunt anythin without gettin dat shock yas normally get n such?"

Favre says, "Though I do feel bad when people ask me to heal them, and I tell them I can't."

Favre says, "No stuns."


Drunstan says, "Interestin."

You say, "Sounds like fun, I always like watching empaths fight."

Drunstan asks, "Yas able ta use dat guardian n such, ta?"

Favre says, "Just me and my claws."

Favre says, "And a big ole lightning bolt."

You say, "There was a vision while I was gone, it seems to heavily refer to Shard, if I could share it."

You say, "I also heard that there was an invasion, but I'd not heard any reports from it so I assume it was quelled fairly quickly."

Miskton says, "I believe there was an invasion shortly after that, yes."

Miskton says, "Though I wasn't around for it."

You say, "Do you know of what? Was there a Prydaen reported? I fear I haven't heard anything at all."

Favre asks, "It's referring to the Elpalzi, yes?"

Favre asks, "Or was this something else?"

You say, "It references a Prydaen, nothing about Elpalzi."

Miskton says, "Undead, I believe."

Miskton says, "There was a vision around the same time preceding an invasion of undead in Riverhaven, as well."

Favre says, "Hmm, I guess Lyras then? I hadn't seen this vision before."

You say, "Lyras is long dead."

Favre says, "The undead can never die."

Favre says, "Or so I'm told."

Miskton says, "There was a Prydaen necromancer spotted during the Riverhaven invasion, from what I've heard."

You say, "That is curious."

Miskton says, "Drawing up undead from the Faldesu riverbed."

Jaibriel says, "Lyras is also not, of course, a man."

You say, "Geva, the Elpalzi... made an odd comment while her forces assaulted Crossing about Shard having fallen. Well, we were at spar night, everything certainly seemed fine."

Jaibriel says, "Odd..."

You say, "Maybe she was just being crazy."

Jaibriel says, "Overly hopeful, at best."

You say, "However about a week ago, there were some Elpalzi spotted in Shard. Four of them killed an Empath sitting by the Western Gate."

You say, "A mage, and two warriors, red and blue."

You say, "Er, two mages."

You say, "Noone saw where they came from, Lady Sendithu dispatched them and ran a patrol, but she didn't see anything else suspicious around the city either."

Jaibriel says, "Frustrating. But ultimately, they will be frustrated if they try here. We'll need to keep a good watch."

You say, "Their resources stretch thin with their assault on Crossing, in the past they use such targeting merely as demoralization tactics... but I think we don't run risk of them invading all the way down here."

You say, "Still it is best to be wary."

You say, "Otherwise I haven't heard anything about the goblins, or from the Tower about how to respond to their inquiries. I think it would be best for now if we resisted harassing any of the black or red goblins if possible."

You ask, "Hmm, things have been nice an peaceful otherwise, so next I have to talk about is upcoming events, unless anyone else had anything to chip in?"

Jaibriel says, "Oh my, no, I've mostly been keeping quiet. Too insular, perhaps. Always a risk."

You say, "Okayso! Favre and I have been tossing around some ideas to get the Ilithi War Games going around again. Maybe a... 'Don't Drag Behind' kind of capture the flag dragging game, and Shaidval helped me out with some 'Fortball' we might have in the season after next."

Jaibriel says, "Fortball, eh. Sounds interesting."

You say, "I figured we could play out in the old Gorbesh fort, not a lot of breakable things."

You say, "Then we have our share of the World Jousting Tournament coming around again, we are working with the Apostles, but I'll need some help with designs for our guests and winners probably. I'll send that around with the mail I send you all."

You say, "Then Jabriel and I half a Ilithian Temple Tour as well we're going to get on the calendar for next season."

You say, "Have, not half."

Jaibriel says, "It's a full tour. Not halved."

You ask, "Maybe, your half and my half?"

You say, "Just kidding you can do aaaaall the talking."

You say, "Oh! And there's also a Visions Meeting tomorrow."

Jaibriel says, "Oh, public speaking. Oh dear."

You say, "I tease, you don't have to."

Miskton says, "Certainly plenty to talk about this time around."

Jaibriel says, "Oh, I do have one spot of official business, now that I recall."

You say, "Oh good, I'm out of things."

Jaibriel says, "There."

You say, "Yay badges."

You say, "Other than talking about recruits..."

You say, "We've has some nice steady growth lately, and we do have another potential."

Jaibriel says, "Ah, I see. We do sometimes possess sense."

You say, "Sometimes..."

Drunstan says, "Heard it be helpful from time ta time."

Jaibriel says, "I am certain Starlear regrets the lack of inflicting puns upon us today."

You say, "Lets see, who else needs badges."

You say, "Oh I am slow."

You say, "Well then."

You exclaim, "Noone hiding I can badge... so okay! Did anyone else have anything they wanted to bring up today? If not you're free to flee!"

Jaibriel says, "But do take truffles with you."

Miskton exclaims, "Well, think I'm going to get going, then. Enjoy the rest of the evening, all!"

You say, "Thank you all for coming out today. I know things were pretty slow for a few seasons there."
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