Mail Call on 09/03/2018 04:57 PM CDT
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In a new pile of mail that makes it's way to the Great Temple a beat up package reeking of decay makes it's way into the disgusted hands of a young acolyte. Overwhelmed by the smell and noting the disintegrating label as addressed to "Sister Ninedra Ves'Shomis, Blessed of Eluned" the acolyte quickly tosses the package into the rubbish bin. Glancing around and muttering something about "never liked that mean crone" the acolyte continues with his work.

Sasti Ninedra,
I told you about being asked to track the necromancers. I managed to find them around Ilithi. Nefis was killing young wyverns and doing Elund know's what with the corpses. I must say the wyvern breeding grounds are filthy with known necromancers (I spotted three while trying to find Nefis). I don't know what they are doing this close to the temple. You might have been able to dispel the foul magics with the light of the Gods. Of course the area is rife with their handiwork. I can dispatch the telga oreks fairly easily now, but the bone wyverns still give me trouble.

I tracked Talaniel from western Ilithi into Forf. It was killing mountain giants. I saw no signs of zombies or the other foul creatures summoned by Necromancers in this case. I saw no signs of a crown with either target.

A few days later I ran across Nefis picking boxes on the western shore of the Lake of Tears. I was asked not to engage these monsters, but it annoyed me none the less their brazen attitude about showing their calcified hides this close to town. Frustrating.
Sasti Ninedra,
I found him! I'd spent some time talking to the guards at the barricade north of the gondola. Having done a few tours in the Hand with the Emerald Knight helped and and I talked them into letting me hang around to look for Nefis. I'd heard a rumor he was near Riverhaven and hoped I could intercept his trail on the way back to Ilithi. He came though this evening and I was able to track him. I don't think he noticed. He ended up going to a dark cave near the snowbeast breeding grounds and performing some sort of horrible ritual. He called upon the powers of demons. Some I had heard of before thanks to the books you've suggested I read, but some were foreign to my ear. I lost his trail once he left the area but circled back to retrieve this bone. I wonder if you could look into it and see if there's something that might indicate it's purpose? Is it just a sacrifice? Something leftover? I apologize for dumping this on you, but it's out of my league.

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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