Lord Veahmic Turmar, I hope this letter finds you wealthy.
I write to brief you regarding events very near to, if not directly on, House Turmar lands. Specifically, the recent parley attempt with the Gorbesh, seeking answers regarding their recent invasions.
These invasions are of concern, sure -- on more than a few occasions they have disrupted the trade routes, which I think you would agree with me is completely unacceptable for the sustainability of our margins and sufficient rates of return -- but I also write with a secondary focus beyond pure economics.
What concerns me more is that these time tamperings sound awfully close to Probability manipulation, that thing that we as Traders are so forbidden to do. And I know what you’re thinking: “Who cares? Let the heathen Gorbesh do whatever they please. They are not parties to our Contract.” And I agree.
But at the parley I was witness to, for the first time, the wider populace being granted the option to meddle with these temporal manipulations, or to withdraw and allow the temporal “knots” to resolve themselves. And I must tell you . . . The number of them that -- voluntarily, mind you! -- chose to further entangle themselves . . . It was absolutely astonishing.
And so my concern, and the real reason I write to you, is this: there were no other Traders present, at least that I was able to see in the crowd, and this Trader personally decided to lean back and attempt to allow the distortion to resolve itself without his involvement. But what if one of our lot, a fellow financier bound under the Contract, had in fact adopted the same reckless abandon as the rest of the wider population and decided to lean in and become further involved?
The results could have been disastrous for all of us in the Guild, if it was ruled that such an act was in fact a Breach.
My point is, I of course do not claim to know the exact nature of how, or even if, you communicate with the Negotiants regarding ongoing matters of the Contract, but this Trader would humbly suggest that you at least consider notifying Them of these developments. The artificial adjustment of time in this way, as well as the opportunity for involvement of those of us bound to the Contract, seems like something They might want to . . . keep an eye on.
May your market-adjusted returns be plentiful,
Rafano Rekletar, Trader