The Legion beckons! on 08/27/2018 06:20 PM CDT
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A mysterious flyer appears to be tacked to a massive white beech standing before Delkai's store. The slight breeze doesn't even cause the paper to ripple, as if the weight of the words on it hold it fast. The flyer contains a simple message: the Last Legion is recruiting. Scribbled all over the margins are traveler's rumors about the Legion. They speak of glory in battle, fame, and riches beyond the dreams of commoners. Some speak of long journeys and even longer days. A few are cynical commentaries on 'joiners.' At the bottom of the flyer someone has helpfully added instructions on how to contact a Legion recruiter.

[Telutci Longstalk will be travelling the provinces gwething locally as he searches for would-be Legionaries. The Legion is open to all comers, skilled with blade or book, coin or conversation, your abilities can find a home within the ranks. Keep your ears open this week, starting in Therengia, between 8pm and 10pm EST. Any questions or interest may also be directed to telutci#9848 via Discord.]
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