Sister Whiteburn.
I hope this letter finds you well.
I do wish I could find the same within myself, and it is with this sentiment that I have found it necessary to contact you immediately.
We have previously spoken of the current attitude of complancey that has seemed to be taking hold within our lands. From the far north of Therengia, Western planes of the Velaka Deserts and Gemfire Mountains, to the Southern reaches of Ilithi and the Crystal City. East across the Reshal Sea to the Islands of Qi’Rashalia and west to the Himineldar Shel and Forfedhdar. No lands are free, no Government is exempt, and all people should be held accountable to this complacency of the unnatural, that is second only to the most ravernous and destructive force we face that is Necromancy.
In your time, I request that we meet formally to discuss my observations around the current attitudes and behaviors that I have witnessed surrounding the lead up to, and duration of this Festival that is currently taking place and drawing to a conclusion.
My resolve to this was hardened when I saw the sadness in Miss Marssi Talmuron’s eye after she had witnessed the desecration of a sacred orb of the blessed Chadatru. Marssi recounted a scene she witnessed at the recent Order of the Apostles Haunted Ball. An Attendee by the name of Simas attended dressed as a Necromancer with his partner in tow, one Miss Nimthiriel. Playing out the part of a Necromancer he proceeded to smash the orb on the ground as to reenact a Filth breaking a glass orb. Marssi was horrified at the lack of respect and violation of the blessed.
To distract myself from this attitude of disrespect, I undertook tasks of aiding the good priests of Glythtide by helping them rid the breeches of the corruption that was held within, fighting alongside many in the breeches who gave their sword and time for these tasks. But soon the real purpose of some became apparent. Honoring Glythtide the divine was replaced with a desire to earn reward through coin and these “festival tickets” that could be redeemed for worldly possessions. This, in my opinion became the motivation for many.
While accompanying Miss Marssi Talmuron to a festival raffle event, it was appalling to witness the Necromatic Filth Totenus, awarded a raffle win by the Raffle Attendant Kentikatili Ratukacon. When I remarked quietly to Miss Talmuron that the hounds should be notified of this indiscretion, I was promptly removed by Kentikatili’s word.
Withdrawing more and more from what I once saw as a vessel of the divine, and a time to revel in all the immortals have bestowed upon us, I saw how not only was it Guilds and citizens of all lands welcomed by the Merchants, but the Profane were welcomed and greeted by citizens and Merchants.
One Merchant of note was Keishalae, or more commonly called The Witch. In my opinion, a sorcerous vain human who seemed to have little respect for life itself.
One who seems to revel in her attitude of domination, arrogance and self importance. Her crafting she feels is of the highest significance so she will charge exorbitant prices. Neglecting though, as all other Merchants have, that all things profane and unsanctified are a contaminate to the very life our Immortals have gifted to us. Her greed allowed her to do work for the vial scum without question. As did other Alteration Merchants. What message does this attitude send to the less informed?
I have been unable to join the attendee’s in requesting Alterations from the Merchants. It would be an injustice to myself and the Immortals to sit in the presence of such foul creatures and hold my tongue and blade. Let alone adorn myself in these artifacts of vanity that some choose to place ahead where our eyes and faith should be cast.
A personal stance of defiance I undertook, and i intend to take further when this “festival of complacency and vanity” draws to a close. I will be informing my Guild leader that until I feel there is a more conscientious attitude to focus on ridding the lands of the scourge, I will not be requesting advancement within my Guild. The burden of standing up to Necromancers and their supporters cannot fall on the common folk alone. All Guildleaders should lead with example as how each, like my own claims of Damaris, that devotion to the divine is the cornerstone of any guildmates training and direction. Closing eyes, befriending and ignoring the past atrocities and heinous actions as that of the Devourer, is to spit on the very altar they kneel before when they arrogantly demand favor from their chosen Immortal. To allow infection through the attitudes of the Filth and its supporters, is to slight what is holy and righteous amongst all.
Your brother in the war.
P.S A quick note on something that very recently came up. There appeared to be a disturbance from Maelshyve recently in the Crossing cemetery. This will need to be looked into.