Now back to the main event on 06/03/2004 03:59 PM CDT
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Alright, I've never RPed my character as being a commoner, she has a House crest, motto and a family.

What else do I need to start making a court?

When tyrants tremble in their fear
and hear their death knell ringing,
when friends rejoice both far and near
how can I keep from singing?

Enyya, 'How Can I Keep From Singing'
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Re: Now back to the main event on 06/03/2004 04:24 PM CDT
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I would suggest that you start putting together a short list of those that would support your claim and refer to you in such a context.

Ternith Sjomah
If tomorrow we woke up, and all the porn was removed from the internet, the following day there would remain but one website on the net and it would be entitled "BRING BACK THE PORN" and have 6,369,582,099 subscribers.
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Re: Now back to the main event on 06/03/2004 04:28 PM CDT
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>>I used to do this. I'd wait to be touched, hugged, etc. However after being chided by Lindryl the other day for being TOO formal, I'm going to try just hugging first and touching when I feel its appropriate. If the people I'm touching, kissing and hugging don't like it they can tell me so.

Lindryl herself is not of noble blood. I'd view this a little bit different than PDAing Gyfford or Morganae.

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