This is not meant to be a negative post. This is meant to be constructive, however it does contain criticism.
Being a person who is very much concerned with the state of RP on a daily basis, I feel that there are some mistakes being made with how nobility is currently being RPed by the higherups. I do not mean to insult anyone, but please hear me out. I bring this up not to trash people but to point out wrongs that is see as causing this special institution of RP to disintigrate and become rather sullied.
I feel that there is too much of nobility characters being too close with common folk and letting common folk be close with them. Nobility is not just a thing, it is a rather important institution in society and it has its own set rules and characteristics. More recently than not, I have seen a degradation of these things being upheld. In the past Nobles were RPed more with a sense of distance from the common people, with more importance and less friendliness. This was important to do. I'm not saying that the RP should be removed from other people, but the characters should be RPed as feeling and being inherently removed from the matters and language of the common people.
I have seen so many things on a daily basis that make it not seem like these are actual Nobles people are interacting with. These things are perpetrated both by players interacting with nobles and the GMPCs playing them. While I doubt I am innocent of all of these all the time, I do make a mindful attempt to follow set standards and make sure I am aware of them. While players are guilty of the errors most of the time, it is the GMs who have become incredibly lax enforcing the image of the noble in the RP environment and thus encourage the violations. There really should be an IG book that can relate these things to people.
Forgive me if these sound harsh or even obnoxious, I just wish to be short and to the point.
1. If you are a common person (not a noble) you do not touch a noble, they touch you. That means you do not kneel and grab their ring and kiss it, you wait for them to extend their hand. You do not pat them on the back. If they hug you, you can hug them back, if they don't, well, don't.
2. If you are a common person and you have some kind of relationship to a noble (friendship, love, etc) you need to be careful about displaying evidence of such a relationship in public. Since it's not possible for the adventurer to marry the noble, it seems like something else is going on that might not be suitable.
3. You do not directly tell a ruler they are wrong, atleast not in public. You can suggest that another way is better, but you do not directly contradict them. This applies whether or not you are a common person. As long as you rank below them, you cannot directly point them out as being wrong in public. To point it out in public is not only a direct insult but causes a loss of face for the noble. Semantics are your friend.
4. Retainers cannot be made to testify against their lords. The whole idea of spouses not testifying against each other is akin to that.
5. One should not address a noble by their first name. If you do not know their rank you use Lord. Additionally, its easier to talk to their servants and retainers first to find out the proper title of the Noble and what is taboo and not.
6.You do not speak openly against a ruler, especially on the gweth, without expecting reprecution. Don't be shocked if you get yourself in a sticky situation.
7. When a ruler is in the room and is standing, thats what you do. Wait for them to sit, then you too can sit. If they lie down, well then feel free to lie down. If they don't, don't lie down.
8. There is no established democracy in Elanthia. Not in the sense of Athens and definately not in the sense of the USA. There is no vote. I've actually been going over some things to see if there is perhaps any established institution of democracy in DR and it does not appear so. Additionally, if you are in a province, you are in the lands of the ruler, so if you don't agree or want to abide by their rules, well then it might be best to leave, or prepare to be viewed as a criminal. Most places in Elanthia have social systems divided into castes. Even clans which may or may not be family dispute a clan leader is to set yourself up as a potential enemy rather than just a person who disagrees.
9. I've seen this many times...don't tell a ruler you "have discussed things and thought them over and you decide you'll agree and comply with their demands"...this smacks of insult. It says that you have a choice and that you only choose to obey them. It is like halfway denying their standing and power. You arn't doing the ruler a favor. If you live or reside on their land or are under their thumb, then your support of their decisions should be a given. You let them know, not when you support them (unless its encouragement), but rather when you sincerely and seriously decline your support (in which case really messy unfriendly things happen).
10. If you are going to dissent against the ruler, well discretion and secrecy really are your friend. There are tons of people who could be locked up for things but arnt because it isnt conducive to gameplay.
11. If you decide to RP a character as being noble, its a good thing (read IMPORTANT) to know what is acceptable and what isn't. There are certain ways one must act and not act. Even a noble can be disacknowledged and thrown down to the status of being a commoner.Additionally, should a ruler in DR ever decide to "ennoble" a character as a reward for something, well that doesnt mean you just get privileges, it also puts some limitations on your character. Nobility comes at a price.
Vidumavi exclaims, "Wait!"
Vidumavi points at you.
Vidumavi exclaims, "Your that Blasword guy!"
>nod vid
You nod to Vidumavi.
Vidumavi exclaims, "You are the bomb!"