You will find [a galleon dispenser], [a tiara dispenser], and [a map dispenser] in the Prize Rotunda at the Droughtman's Challenge quest grounds. You can SHOP and purchase an origami "ticket" from any dispenser for 5 Indicia. The ticket's noun is aligned to the adjective of that dispenser. You can purchase as many tickets as you wish from all dispensers during the course of the event. Each ticket purchased will increase your odds of winning that dispenser's random draw.
Toward the end of the Droughtman's Challenge event, at 4pm ET on Sunday, March 27th, all dispenser ticket sales will stop. After that, TWO winners will be selected from EACH dispenser and they will BOTH win a copy of the grand prize. Winner 1 and Winner 2 will be selected in the following manner:
Winner 1 will be the player with the highest individual ticket total from that dispenser. In the event of ties, a random winner will be select from the high total group. In the event of a tie, there will be a random draw between the group of highest ticket holders. Winner 1's tickets will then be removed from the pool.
Winner 2 will be drawn at random from the entire remaining pool of all tickets purchased from that dispenser. You do not need to be present or even logged in at the time of this drawing to be selected as Winner 2. The live drawing will occur at approximately 8:30pm (Prime), 8:45pm (Plat), and 9pm (TF) ET on Sunday, March 27th.
If you do not win a grand prize from an individual dispenser, then all of your tickets purchased from that dispenser will instead count toward a memory orb prize which will gain 25% drain per ticket you purchased. This singular memory orb prize is created based on all tickets purchased across all dispensers from this event, excluding any dispenser you win a grand prize from.
1 ticket = 25%; 1 use at 25% drain
2 tickets = 50%; 1 use at 50% drain
3 tickets = 75%; 1 use at 75% drain
4 tickets = 100%; 1 use at 100% drain
5 tickets = 125%; 1 use at 100% drain and 1 use 25% drain
14 tickets = 350%; 3 uses at 100% drain and 1 use at 50% drain
52 tickets = 1300%; 13 uses at 100% drain
143 tickets = 3575%; 35 uses at 100% drain and 1 use at 75% drain
The memory orb can be activated to immediately drain field experience into ranks. The orb will always try to drain 100% when activated, and it will not be destroyed until the balance is completely used up. There is a 100-minute cooldown between using 100% drain across any combination of memory orbs. The orb will be unaligned at first, and you can TURN it to a specific skill of your choosing before its first use. After you select the skill for the orb it will remain aligned to that skill and cannot be changed again.
The memory orb prize can be retrieved using the CLAIM MEMORYORB command, which will be set up and available within 24 hours of the grand prize drawings. We will post here again when the updated CLAIM MEMORYORB is available after the event.
You can read the ledger on each dispenser throughout the event to see current ticket totals for that dispenser.
The Grand Prize Sets
~Galleon Commander Set~ (galleon dispenser)
Win one of two pre-designed Galleon Class player owned vessels with custom room descriptions, furniture, and captain's ring. The highest-ticket winner will choose which Galleon they want, and the weighted random draw winner will get the other.
the Verdant Bloom
a glowing verdant moonsilver captain's ring engraved with blooming wild vines
Flower-themed player owned galleon. Materials include: lirisan, diamondwood, verdant moonsilver, lilac moonsilver, faesilk, and nature's canopy emerald
the Crimson Blight
a glowing crimson moonsilver captain's ring engraved with an open eye
Corruption-themed player owned galleon. Materials include: felwood, smokewood, crimson moonsilver, maelstone, and sanguinai
~Sparkling Slayer Set~ (tiara dispenser)
a canvas tote pinned with a purple gold crown
Standard shoulder-worn bag that contains...
an elegantly swept iridescent shamshir emanating glitzy clouds of prismatic glitter
T7 ME weapon with T1/G2 glitter flare and atmo
a seven-pointed sungold tiara showcasing a magnificent red diamond among ulhari prisms
Empty setting tiara that comes with a loose magnificent red diamond
a purple gold keepsake box encrusted with countless glittering jewel-tone chips
Unlimited use locksmithing trainer
Glittering Delight
Permanent custom title
~Omnipresent Adventurer Set~ (map dispenser)
a canvas carryall pinned with an agonite map
Standard shoulder-worn bag that contains...
a circular pane of flawless aevirerest glass
New mechanic! Remote viewing glass that player can set to a room and then initiate a remote viewing session on that room at a later time.
a long sanguinai tapestry cloak
Cloak of Adventure (aka Huldah Cloak!). Can be activated once every 24 hours to teleport to a random room.
an omnipresent adventurer's seal
Hearthstone item that can teleport the player once every hour to transportation hub room [Workshop Foyer].
[The Verdant Bloom, Aft Waist]
A verdant moonsilver-hinged gangway is inset into the starboard bulwark, allowing for a diamondwood boarding plank to be ran in and out from there with ease. The ship's rigging hangs above like an intricate spider's web. You also see The Crossing Docks, the mizzen upper topsail, the mizzen lower topsail, the crossjack and the mizzen mast.
[The Verdant Bloom, Quarterdeck]
In the middle of the expansive lirisan quarterdeck is the ship's diamondwood wheel mounted on a platform traced with glowing verdant moonsilver. Shrouds, running from mast to cleats on the bulwark, are ran overhead along with sheets from the ship's rigging. You also see Pilot, a hatch, the gaff topsail, the upper spanker, the lower spanker, the spanker mast, the ship's bell and a large spoked wheel.
[The Verdant Bloom, Fore Waist]
A prismatic diamondwood mast rises amidship, standing tall from the lirisan deck amidst a maze of sheets and shrouds. Verdant moonsilver cleats are securely mounted along the top of both the starboard and port bulwark. You also see the main upper topsail, the main lower topsail, the main course and the main mast.
[The Verdant Bloom, Bow]
The diamondwood bowsprit stretches forward from the ship where the starboard and port gunnels meet, twining vines of verdant moonsilver converging upon it to form the stem of an enormous lilac moonsilver flower at the tip. The combined metals cast a steady glow of green-tinged purple light in whatever direction the vessel sets course. An iron-banded oak capstan is bolted securely to the deck for use in hauling up the anchor, setting the shrouds, or any other work where great purchases are required. You also see a hatch, the flying jib, the fore topsail, the fore course and the fore mast.
[The Verdant Bloom, Ship's Hold]
The overpowering perfume of blooming flowers combined with the lingering scents of pitch and molding wood fill the dark confines of the hold. A large storage chest takes up part of the deck while a cargo net hung from floor to ceiling fills most of the rest of the area.
[The Verdant Bloom, Ship's Galley]
Against one wall is a long lirisan table with a built-in diamondwood bench. A large potbelly stove traced with verdant moonsilver takes up most of one corner along with a small area a cook can work in.
>pat table
You pat a lirisan table.
>tap bench
You tap a diamondwood bench.
>pat stove
You pat a large potbelly stove traced with verdant moonsilver.
[The Verdant Bloom, Captain's Cabin]
An elegant lirisan table trimmed in verdant moonsilver is bolted to the ship's deck against the cabin's faesilk covered wall and under a lirisan-framed porthole. The subtle scent of flowers hangs gracefully in the room. Small though the cabin may seem, it still has enough space for a diamondwood chest set with an enormous nature's canopy emerald cabochon at the foot of a preserved hammock of blooming wild vines. You also see a door.
>pat porth
You pat a lirisan-framed porthole.
>pat wall
You pat a faesilk covered wall.
>pat chest
You pat a diamondwood chest set with an enormous nature's canopy emerald cabochon.
>pat hammock
You pat a preserved hammock of blooming wild vines.
>pat table
You pat an elegant lirisan table trimmed in verdant moonsilver.
a glowing verdant moonsilver captain's ring engraved with blooming wild vines
>look my ring
Meticulous floral carvings are inlaid with lilac moonsilver, the combination of metals creating a green-tinged purple light upon their petals.
[The Crimson Blight, Aft Waist]
A crimson moonsilver-hinged gangway is inset into the starboard bulwark, allowing for a smokewood boarding plank to be ran in and out from there with ease. The ship's rigging hangs above like an intricate spider's web. You also see The Crossing Docks, the mizzen upper topsail, the mizzen lower topsail, the crossjack and the mizzen mast.
[The Crimson Blight, Quarterdeck]
In the middle of the expansive felwood quarterdeck is the ship's smokewood wheel mounted on a platform traced with glowing crimson moonsilver. Shrouds, running from mast to cleats on the bulwark, are ran overhead along with sheets from the ship's rigging. You also see Pilot, a hatch, the gaff topsail, the upper spanker, the lower spanker, the spanker mast, the ship's bell and a large spoked wheel.
[The Crimson Blight, Fore Waist]
A smokewood mast rises amidship, standing tall from the sickly purple felwood deck amidst a maze of sheets and shrouds. Crimson moonsilver cleats are securely mounted along the top of both the starboard and port bulwark. You also see the main upper topsail, the main lower topsail, the main course and the main mast.
[The Crimson Blight, Bow]
The felwood bowsprit stretches forward from the ship where the starboard and port gunnels meet, jagged veins of crimson moonsilver converging upon it to form bloody teardrops falling from an enormous carved eye at the tip. The metal's crimson glow gets fainter toward the central iris, where a large maelstone-studded pupil points a blackened void in whatever direction the vessel sets course. A crimson moonsilver-banded smokewood capstan is bolted securely to the deck for use in hauling up the anchor, setting the shrouds, or any other work where great purchases are required. You also see a hatch, the flying jib, the fore topsail, the fore course and the fore mast.
[The Crimson Blight, Ship's Hold]
The overpowering stench of blood-soaked bilge combined with the lingering scents of pitch and molding wood fill the dark confines of the hold. A large storage chest takes up part of the deck while a cargo net hung from floor to ceiling fills most of the rest of the area.
[The Crimson Blight, Ship's Galley]
Against one wall is a long felwood table with a built-in smokewood bench. A large potbelly stove traced with crimson moonsilver takes up most of one corner along with a small area a cook can work in.
>pat table
You pat a felwood table.
>pat bench
You pat a smokewood bench.
>pat stove
You pat a large potbelly stove traced with crimson moonsilver.
[The Crimson Blight, Captain's Cabin]
An imposing smokewood desk inlaid with a wide crimson moonsilver eye is bolted to the ship's deck against the cabin's sanguinai covered wall and under a felwood-framed porthole. The rich scent of freshly spilled blood hangs in the room. Small though the cabin may seem, it still has enough space for a tall felwood cabinet beside a dark grey sanguinai sofa generously cushioned with extra padding. You also see a door.
>pat porth
You pat a felwood-framed porthole.
>pat wall
You pat a sanguinai covered wall.
>pat cabi
You pat a tall felwood cabinet.
>pat sofa
You pat a dark grey sanguinai sofa generously cushioned with extra padding.
>pat desk
You pat an imposing smokewood desk inlaid with a wide crimson moonsilver eye.
a glowing crimson moonsilver captain's ring engraved with an open eye
>look ring
A singular large maelstone is set within the wide pupil, its penchant to drink in ambient light creating a central void upon the glowing metal band.
>tap shams
You tap an elegantly swept iridescent shamshir emanating glitzy clouds of prismatic glitter that you are holding.
>look shams
Washed in rainbow hues that make it difficult to properly identify the underlying metal, the blade holds a deceptively lethal edge given its otherwise whimsical nature. Myriad spun glitter ribbons trail from the weapon's diamondwood handle, the fabric a brilliantly shimmering complement to the prismatic veins within the pale wood. Glittery sparkles occasionally emit in physical form around the shamshir, flaunting its dazzlingly mystical construction eternally for all to see.
>app my shams careful
An elegantly swept iridescent shamshir emanating glitzy clouds of prismatic glitter is a medium edged melee-ranged weapon.
An elegantly swept iridescent shamshir emanating glitzy clouds of prismatic glitter trains the small edged skill.
You are certain that it could do:
low (3/28) puncture damage
great (11/28) slice damage
fair (5/28) impact damage
no (0/28) fire damage
no (0/28) cold damage
no (0/28) electric damage
The iridescent shamshir is dismally (2/17) designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the shamshir is soundly (8/17) balanced and is reasonably (7/17) suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the iridescent shamshir is practically invulnerable to damage (18/18) and is in pristine condition (100%).
The iridescent shamshir is made with metal.
You are certain that the iridescent shamshir weighs exactly 30 stones.
You estimate that the iridescent shamshir is worth about 62500000 Kronars.
>focus my shams
You take the shamshir in your hands and focus carefully upon it.
You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Glitter Weapon Flare enchantment.
The enchantment appears to be masterfully-crafted has terrible potency, demonstrates central complexity, and is abstract. This enchantment is of Lesser grade, and was modified to bonus magnitude. The matrix appears to be appreciably thin and the lines are perfectly clear.
Puffs of iridescent glitter drift off the diamondwood handle of Lawlite's iridescent shamshir.
A cloud of glittery sparkles erupts from the diamondwood handle of Lawlite's iridescent shamshir.
< Moving with dominating grace, you jab an elegantly swept iridescent shamshir emanating glitzy clouds of prismatic glitter at a champion veteran peccary. A champion veteran peccary attempts to dodge, leaning wrong and blundering into the blow. The shamshir sparkles amethyst, impacting with a deluge of glitter shards and lands an obliterating hit (Hodierna winces!) to the peccary's right leg.
>get tiara
You pick up a seven-pointed sungold tiara showcasing a magnificent red diamond among ulhari prisms.
>look tiara
Six impressively proportioned and elaborately faceted ulhari prisms grace each of three peaks on either side on a magnificent central spire. The prisms' shifting golden brown and lilac hues create a natural complement for the warm yellow metal cast with a sheen of red, orange, and purple tones. A stylized, star-shaped bloom is etched into the metal upon the central spire, an elaborate setting at its heart. Set into the tiara is a magnificent red diamond.
>app tiara careful
The sungold tiara is made with metal.
The sungold tiara is fairly flexible.
It appears that the sungold tiara can be worn on the head.
You are certain that the sungold tiara weighs exactly 4 stones.
You estimate that the sungold tiara is probably worth around a small mint in Kronars.
>get diamond from tiara
You carefully pull back the tiny prongs holding the red diamond in place and pull it out of the tiara, ending up with a magnificent red diamond and a seven-pointed sungold tiara.
>tap diamond
You tap a magnificent red diamond that you are holding.
>look my diamond
With a rich brilliance that rivals any ruby, the heavily faceted trilliant-cut gem shines with a beautiful luster.
>app diam careful
You are certain that the red diamond has a hardness of 90, placing it at 'very hard' on the official Trader's Scale.
You are certain that the red diamond has a quality of 99, placing it at 'perfect' on the offical Trader's Scale.
You are certain that the red diamond has a vitreous luster.
You are certain that the red diamond is nearly opaque.
You are certain that the red diamond is faceted.
You are certain that the red diamond weighs exactly 1 stone.
You are certain that the red diamond is worth exactly 937500 Kronars.
a seven-pointed sungold tiara replete with ulhari prisms
>look tiara
Six impressively proportioned and elaborately faceted ulhari prisms grace each of three peaks on either side on a magnificent central spire. The prisms' shifting golden brown and lilac hues create a natural complement for the warm yellow metal cast with a sheen of red, orange, and purple tones. A stylized, star-shaped bloom is etched into the metal upon the central spire, an elaborate setting at its heart. An empty gem setting mars the tiara's appearance slightly.
>get box
You pick up a purple gold keepsake box encrusted with countless glittering jewel-tone chips.
>look box
Tiny fragments of ruby, sapphire, emerald, and diamond cover the violet metal plating encasing the underlying diamondwood vessel, scintillating with the slightest movement in prismatic refractions of light. A heavy locking mechanism of solid lilac moonsilver casts a persistent glow that keeps the stunning display of glittering light in constant motion while also serving to secure the container when needed.
>app box careful
The keepsake box is made with metal.
The keepsake box is a container, and can be opened and closed.
You are certain that the keepsake box weighs exactly 40 stones.
You wonder if the keepsake box is worth about 4281250 Kronars.
>study my box
You're certain you can LOCK, PICK a purple gold keepsake box encrusted with countless glittering jewel-tone chips.
You believe the keepsake box could be picked as many times as you want, with no risk of damage.
>get cloak
You pick up a long sanguinai tapestry cloak.
>look my cloak
Masterful stitching picks out an authentic representation of the lands and sea of Kermoria, the inherent crimson whorls of the leather appearing as bloody whirlwinds scattered haphazardly throughout at seemingly random locations.
>app my cloak careful
The tapestry cloak is pocketed.
The tapestry cloak is fairly soft.
It appears that the tapestry cloak can be draped over the shoulders.
You are certain that the tapestry cloak weighs exactly 20 stones.
You are confident that the tapestry cloak is worth about 26562500 Kronars.
>study my cloak
On studying the tapestry cloak, you feel that you might be able to FOCUS or INVOKE the cloak. You also feel that you could probably CLEAN, GLARE, HUG, JUMP, PULL, SHAKE, SMILE, TAP and TOSS the tapestry cloak.
>clean my cloak
You flick a few bits of lint from your cloak, grabbing the collar with a crisp tug in an attempt to look more presentable.
>glare my cloak
You glare and your tapestry cloak ripples and snaps violently, as if to reflect your mood.
>hug my cloak
You snuggle into the folds of your tapestry cloak, confident it will provide you ample warmth in the current weather.
>jump my cloak
You leap forward into the air and hover for a moment before landing lightly on your feet, ready for action!
>pull my cloak
Noticing that your cloak is wrinkled, you make a chopping motion downward with both hands. The tapestry cloak snaps taut and then relaxes, leaving the cloak looking neatly pressed.
>shake my cloak
You shake your tapestry cloak, releasing a small cloud of dust from its folds.
>smile my cloak
You cunningly smile and the end of your tapestry cloak undulates gently.
>tap my cloak
A light breeze seems to blow past you for a moment before dying away.
>toss my cloak
You toss your head back and stare into the distance, your tapestry cloak billows behind you, as if caught on an imperceptible breeze.
>invoke my cloak
Sweeping your cloak quickly around yourself, you begin to spin rapidly causing a spindle of dust to envelop you. As you squeeze your eyes tightly shut, you feel yourself lift off the ground and the sensation of being airborne. After a few moments, you are flung free from the twisting gust, bouncing several times before sitting up, coughing in a cloud of dust. You glance around and see...
[Gwenalion Fens, Dried Reed Hummock]
Deep green tendrils wind in among the weeds and cling tenaciously to the reeds. Perhaps dropped by some passing bird or caught in the claw or coat of one of the creatures which frequent the hummocks, the lyrandia has taken hold, sending up a handful of sweetly scented golden blossoms among the twining vine.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, northwest.
Roundtime: 12 sec.
>get glass
You pick up a circular pane of flawless aevirerest glass.
>look my glass
Light reflects off the glass in a distinctive kaleidoscope of color and slightly distorted images.
>app glass careful
You are certain that the aevirerest glass weighs exactly 5 stones.
You estimate that the aevirerest glass is worth about 81250000 Kronars.
>study my glass
You believe you could ALIGN the glass to add the current room to the list of available locations to watch.
You believe you could BRUSH the glass to swap between added locations to watch.
You believe you could CLEAN the glass to remove the current room from the list of locations to watch.
You believe you could GAZE the glass to begin watching the selected room.
You believe you could PULL the glass to allow others in the room to GAZE into the glass. However, you don't believe your glass has this capability yet.
>analyze glass
TIER 1: -LOCKED- Stores up to 8 rooms and has a cooldown of 6 hours.
TIER 2: -LOCKED- Stores up to 9 rooms and has a cooldown of 3 hours.
TIER 3: -LOCKED- Stores up to 10 rooms and has a cooldown of 1.5 hours.
TIER 4: -LOCKED- Allows two additional uses of PULL to allow others in the room to GAZE into a circular pane of flawless aevirerest glass. This would bring the total uses to 2.
An infuser stone will clear the cooldown on a circular pane of flawless aevirerest glass, but a circular pane of flawless aevirerest glass is not under cooldown currently.
You can't tell anything else about a circular pane of flawless aevirerest glass.
>align glass
You focus your will on your aevirerest glass, and feel it align to the area around you.
>study glass
You believe you could ALIGN the glass to add the current room to the list of available locations to watch.
You believe you could BRUSH the glass to swap between added locations to watch.
You believe you could CLEAN the glass to remove the current room from the list of locations to watch.
You believe you could GAZE the glass to begin watching the selected room.
You believe you can view the following rooms:
The Crossing, Town Green South
The Crossing, Town Green Southwest
The Crossing, Town Green Northwest
The Crossing, Town Green North
The Crossing, Town Green Northeast
The Crossing, Town Green Southeast
The Crossing, Lunat Shade Road
You believe you could PULL the glass to allow others in the room to GAZE into the glass. However, you don't believe your glass has this capability yet.
>brush glass
With a gentle brush of your fingers you catch a glimpse of The Crossing, Town Green Southwest.
>brush glass
With a gentle brush of your fingers you catch a glimpse of The Crossing, Town Green Northwest.
>brush glass
With a gentle brush of your fingers you catch a glimpse of The Crossing, Town Green North.
>brush glass
With a gentle brush of your fingers you catch a glimpse of The Crossing, Town Green Northeast.
>gaze glass
You gaze into your aevirerest glass.
[The Crossing, Town Green Northeast]
The cool, welcome expanse of the Town Green is a pleasant place to gather and exchange news, gossip and adventuring pointers with all the folk and races of Elanthia who are drawn to town. A soft, spongy carpet of well-manicured grass underfoot affords a comfortable cushion for sitting or sprawling out to enjoy a rare moment of rest in the warm sun. An ancient oak tree provides shelter for those so inclined. You also see a trodden dirt path, a small cobblestone walkway, some carved wooden benches and a stone water trough.
Also here: GameMaster Lawbrite.
Obvious paths: south, southwest, west.
Lawbrite does a happy little dance!
Lawbrite exclaims, "You see me in your Familiar window, don't you?!"
Katamba is dominant, while Xibar and Yavash's influences are strong.
Moonlight Manipulation and Enlightened Geometry spells are favored.
You sense Lawlite's attention on the area.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>get stone
You pick up an infuser stone.
Something about an infuser stone tickles at your unconscious recollection.
>apply stone to glass
An infuser stone will clear the cooldown on a circular pane of flawless aevirerest glass, and a circular pane of flawless aevirerest glass is under cooldown until Thu Mar 17 18:02:33 CT 2022.
If you're sure you want to proceed, repeat the command within 15 seconds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>apply stone to glass
You may GAZE into your aevirerest glass again.
The infuser stone flares and vanishes!
>pull my glass
You shunt your aevirerest glass's magic, and a circular pane of flawless aevirerest glass appears on the ground.
[The Crossing, Werfnen's Strole]
Werfnen's Strole, the Path of Dreamers, leads from the glories of the High Temple to the renowned hospitality of Skalliweg Barrelthumper's Half Pint Inn. The jocular Halfling is known throughout all Elanthia as the consummate innkeeper. Mouthwatering aromas and heart-gladdening songs waft out of the inn, while the soothing gurgling of the tributary to the south creates a poignant counterpoint to the uproar within. You also see a circular pane of flawless aevirerest glass.
>get seal
You pick up an omnipresent adventurer's seal.
>look my seal
Formed into the shape of a stylized compass rose, the seal is cast from dawnfire steel.
>app seal
The adventurer's seal is made with metal.
It appears that the adventurer's seal can be worn.
You are certain that the adventurer's seal weighs exactly 5 stones.
You wonder if the adventurer's seal is worth exactly 6562500 Kronars.
You sense a deep connection with the adventurer's seal, as if it will be with you always.
>tap seal
Motes of shadow gather all about you. With a stomach-lurching sensation of falling, your surroundings drop away and you suddenly find yourself elsewhere...
[Workshop Foyer]
A gilded mirror hangs above a vase of roses sitting on a polished cherry side table. The gilt frame lends sparkle to the ivory silk which papers the walls. Several open doors line the room, each leading to a different town in the lands. You also see a Ratha door, a Shard door, a Muspar'i door, a Langenfirth door, a Rossman's door, a Mer'Kresh door, a Surlaenis door, a Leth Deriel door, a Crossing door, an Ain Ghazal door, a Hibarnhvidar door, a Therenborough door and a Riverhaven door.
Obvious exits: none.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
>go shard door
[Shard, East Bridge]
The extravagance of the eastern quarter of Shard is evident here; milk-white marble railings gleam on the cloudiest days. The marble and the life-sculpted deobar supports show that no expense was spared in olden times, and the new paving stones that cover the roadway blend unobtrusively with the old construction. You also see the East city gates, the city wall, a festive meeting portal and a stately amphitheater portal.
Obvious paths: east.