HE Raffle issue on 11/04/2018 02:00 PM CST
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For next year can you please limit the tickets to one per account no matter if you brought admit 1 or admit all or any in between.

This is the second year I've watched folks abuse the system since it seems you can win even if you are not logged in. If I'm wrong then accept my apologies but I'm fairly certain I'm not wrong.

Its irritating that since you can only win once per day but folks are logging in alts to give them better chances at winning especially when raffles are only being held once per day.

Thank you
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Re: HE Raffle issue on 11/05/2018 05:16 PM CST
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That would make sense. In general, the use of alts to circumvent mechanics is not ideal. But games like the snake pit basically beg for alt abuse. I feel like socialization takes a hit here.
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