Naval Recruitment, Exciting News! on 11/14/2004 05:39 PM CST
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Exciting news for all those interested in the Navy! We will be commanding our own ships now. What does this mean for you? It means no more waiting for the captain of the ship to come back from shore leave to take us out pirate hunting or on maneuvers. It means members of a Naval Unit that have attained enough experience and have proven loyalty will possibly be taught how to sail the ship! It means we are going after Aedem on his home turf!

Anyone interested in joining my unit, The Kirm Alshabien (That's Blood Seekers in Gamgweth) please see me or one of my lieutenants. We need any and everyone as we have an entire ship to man. No one is too small to be on a ship. You don't have to be a mega level fighter of doom to operate a mangonel. ANYONE can do it. We routinely set up teams at the guns and everyone, even me, helps out. You can sink a ship if you are level 1 or level 41. You can sink a ship if you are a barb or an empath. It doesn't matter.

I promote from within and I think you'll find we have a lot of fun when we are out protecting the coast of Zoluren.

AIM me at AllarskC or contact at

My lieutenants, Zblizz, Glizten and Ianhanse, will also be more than happy to help you join us!

We especially are welcoming any displaced military from disbanded units and are always in need of triage personnel.

Thank you!!

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