Looking for a few 'good' men... on 04/06/2005 12:41 PM CDT
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A Nonpartisan group is opening up (once again) to new members. In short, we are looking for...

*A Dozen or so men/women willing to commit to a project of unknown legnth.
*Complete loyalty to the cause and the group.
*Knowledge of Elanthian History; a Plus if it is first-hand (Veterans of wars, major RP events, etc.)
*Ability to RP and interact in stressful situations and remain IC and poised.
*At least be of 30th circle in any guild (This is not important. Those interested playing commoners or sub-30 characters may inquire further, in fact I suggest it. Their interview however, must be stellar...)
*Character must be able to remain (see feign) 'neutrality' in the presence of others.
*Characters must be able to manipulate and gain access to information that is sensitive.

If you aren't getting the jist of the idea by now, I'll make it plain and simple...an 'intelligence' (coughspycough) group is once again seeking increased membership. Those familliar with the Outcast war and those involved 'playing both sides' are encouraged to e-mail interest to my play.net address. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

~The Blackfire Mage Magmus, And Player
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