recruitment on 06/03/2005 07:05 PM CDT
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The Black Pearl Legion is now recruiting front line fighters. If you have what it takes to go toe to toe with the enemy, and want to receive ample chance to do so...come talk to me.

Lt. Fenance, Black Pearl Legion.

In addition, are you one of those people who hears things? Always knows what's going on? Would you fit well into an intelligence network, overt or covert? Again, come talk to me, Lt. Fenance and reference the intelligence unit. You can be anywhere in the realms, and this will not disrupt your status with whatever unit you may currently be serving in. Information flows both ways in this organization, we only ask that you send the information up the chain as promptly as you can. Should you wish to hold an official rank in this organization, there is a possibility that several enlisted and commissioned positions will be opening up. Again let myself, or Sgt. Devoar know.
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