Emerald Legion seeking defenders on 10/13/2005 12:31 AM CDT
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Heyo, folks! I've already been doing some stumping out and about through Zoluren, but I wanted to spread the word to other potentially interested parties; I've been charged with the task of assembling a group of adventurers to serve as the defensive arm of the Emerald Legion (under Commander Wyndsol).

We're to be in charge of guarding the gates, docks, and other key locations in the event of invasion. Other responsibilities include attending unit-wide meetings as announced by the Commander, weekly or bi-weekly squad meetings (to be decided once we have sufficient man/womanpower), and the occasional training or dress exercise.

I'm primarily seeking paladins for their defensive prowess, but members of any guild who seek to serve the province through military life are welcome. Since I'm looking to focus on vigilance, communication and quick responses, moon mages and war mages would be immensely helpful as well due to familiars and gating ability. Obviously, these skills aren't required to join, though.

By the same token, even if you're small and inexperienced, there's still a place for you if you can prove your worth. I want people who will be dedicated to service, not just a fancy title or a shiny badge. Skills will come with time, discipline and responsibility are not so easy to come by. We will not turn you away just because you can barely kill a rat.

If you're interested, please contact me (Lieutenant Halcier) or Sergeant Diresu in-game, or using my play.net addy/AIM (Lord Hawking, same as username).

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