Elven Paramilitary Group on 12/29/2006 07:41 PM CST
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As the subject says...I'm looking to form an Elven Paramilitary Group. "Paramilitary means auxiliary military, that is, something not quite military performing military duties. There are political connotations to "paramilitary" which often override the original meaning. Those political connotations, however, are localized and contradictory. There are paramilitary units that are an official legislated arm of the government, anti-government armed units that claim military status, and civilian paramilitary units that are neither, and other groups that are something in between."

If you are interested or just have thoughts on the matter please contact elvennightsong@yahoo.com.

I don't think the L'Karm is coming back...so I think we could orchestrate some very interesting role-playing.

I'd love to hear from anyone and everyone on this.

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