A scroll marked with the seal of the Ilithi Military on 04/14/2007 03:21 PM CDT
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The City of Shard and the Domain of Ilithi have always been defended by its people whom have given and sacrificed so much. Their strength and force of will have been a stalwart backbone. To augment the efforts of the citizens of Ilithi the Ferdahl has organized a military to assist with the burden.

For those interested in being a servant to the Tower in the capacity of serving within the Ilithi military. All guilds and skill levels are welcome. Please note the below.

Candidates will be expected to be a citizen of Shard
Candidates should be in good standing with the Ilithi government and law
Candidates should have the intention to follow all of the rules, orders and obligations of
the Ilithi military.

The application and interview process:
Three units will be forming under Commander Aleyden, Commander Forgenash, and Commander
Leucius. Each commander will be holding individual interview processes fitting to their
needs and units.

Candidates should contact in writing or in person the commander to which they would like
to serve with and schedule an interview.
Aleyden =Aleydendr@aol.com
Forgenash = BaconTog@aol.com
Leucius = Ponchih@aol.com

These are items that one may wish to take into consideration while considering application to the Ilithi military.
One: A candidate should be willing to participate in meetings, events, training exercises
Two: A candidate should be interested in working to defend the city when it is needed, in
whatever means fits their abilities.
Three: Military member should be willing to wear a set of Gweths to facilitate
communications between members in defense of the city. Pricing assistance may be available
upon request.
Four: A candidate should be willing to provide their name and contact information so we can
keep in touch with them for meetings, events and necessary information.
Five: Will participate in orientation training and uphold the Code of conduct and remain in
good standing with the government and law and remain a citizen of Ilithi
Six: have fun?

Please contact myself or any of the commanders if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting with you.

Best regards,
Xand Duchet
Military Liaison, Ilithi Military
In Service to the Ferdahl
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