New Therengia Commanders on 09/09/2007 02:02 AM CDT
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Five new Therengia Commanders were promoted from Lieutenants tonight!

The Therengia Cavalry Commanders are as follows:

Commander Barola of the Baron's Hussars, Commander Gniloi of the Baron's Outriders, and Sub-Commander Eeary, of the Baron's Dragoons, and Gwenddolyn as the Therengia Cavalry Sr. Commander.

In addition, the following are currently Lts in the Therengia Cavalry: Lt. Rambliin and Lt. Khelin both of the Baron's Hussars, Lt. Ghodbane of the Baron's Outriders, Lt. Nixieg and Lt. Wodie both of the Baron's Dragoons.

The Northern Watch Commanders of the Therengia Infantry are as follows: Commander Mordibar, Commander Mazrian, and Sr. Commander Frodes of the Northern Watch.

Congrats to all!

Sr. Commander Gwenddolyn,
Of the Therengian Cavalry
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Re: New Therengia Commanders on 09/09/2007 08:27 AM CDT
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Thank you very much for keeping everyone posted.

Now if only Ilithi was settled.....

Doctor Kerrian Runegazer
Sergeant, Ilithi Night Watch
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