The Therengia Cavalry is accepting interviews for new members on 09/27/2008 10:35 AM CDT
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Anyone interested in joining one of the three regiments of the Therengia Cavalry can visit Theren almost any evening and contact our Military Liaison, Commander Dulcinie. She can determine the proper division to direct recruits to based upon their interests and skills. She can also set up an interview with a recruit to meet with me since they are required to do that first before acceptance as an official recruit. Dulcinie is Commander of the Baron's Hussars, our top totch Triage and Recovery Divsion known for their Mobile Field Triage Team. The Baron's Outriders is our other Light Field Division that specializes in Patrol, Scouting, Travel, and Communications. Anyone interested in this elite versatile unit should speak to Lt Zrxa if Commander Ghodbane is unavailable. The Baron's Dragoons is our experienced Warriors of the Heavy Horse Division, and anyone interested should seek myself out or Lt. Gallanthur. Many of our Cavalry members are easy to find, such as Lt. Gniloi, Lt. Woshliol, or Wodie, and everyone will gladly answer any questions those interested may have until they can meet with Dulcinie or myself.

Senior Commander Gwenddolyn,
Of the Therengia Cavalry,
Baron's Dragoons, Baron's Hussars, and Baron's Outriders
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