Therengia Cavalry is Currently Accepting Applications for New Members on 07/27/2014 03:46 PM CDT
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Anyone interested in joining the Therengia Cavalry can apply in person directly to Commander Gwenddolyn, or to 2nd in Command Lieutenant Klurn. Feel free to ask for directions on gweth or crystal ring. We interview potential recruits and discuss qualifications for each unit before acceptance. The current Cavalry divisions are as follows:
1. The Baron's Dragoons, experienced Warriors of the Heavy Horse Division.
2. The Baron's Hussars, a traveling Recovery Division known for their Mobile Triage Team.
3. The Baron's Outriders, a versatile Light Field Division that specializes in Horse Training, Patrols, Scouting, Travel, Communications and Special Forces.

All applicants will be fairly considered with equality in regards to race. Requirements based on Guild and skill levels vary within each regiment. We accept all guilds except Necromancers. References are required to qualify for the interview process. Horses are only a requirement for Dragoons.

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