Zoluren Phoenix Recruitment on 05/20/2004 02:16 PM CDT
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The Zoluren Phoenix is openly recruiting new members. All those who wish to help the war effort, but are not combat machines, there are places for you in the military. We need empaths, clerics, and paladins. We also need people who can scout, and especially those who can gate.

We basically set up various triage stations and man them. The more folks we have in each triage the better. The moon mages would be of great use in getting folks to the triage locations themselves. Please feel free to contact any of our officers, or myself. My AIM is MaxxwelDR.

The other officers are:

Commander Anlise
Lieutenants: Jadeanne, Sidoney, Katrinai, Kystrala, & Amagaim
Sergeants: Maxxwel, Gevuldan, Odiin, Calisto, Summerain, Azyreflayme, & Fazehund

Please feel free to contact any of us about joining!

Maxxwel, druken babbling empath at large.
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Zoluren Phoenix Recruitment on 11/01/2004 12:56 PM CST
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As the subject says, the Zoluren Phoenix is recruiting. We are primarily a Triage unit, with both a scouting and a defense division.

With the close of the main Outcast war, and renewed efforts to defend our province from invasion, we are accepting new recruits to swell our ranks. We are a tight-knit unit that has remained together and functional throughout the war.

There is something for nearly everyone to do, Triage work (healing, protecting memories, glyphing, bonding), scouting (sneaking about, reporting enemy movements, dragging the dead and wounded), and Defending (escorting the field triage groups, escorting scouts and draggers, defending main triage, defending the cities.)

Anyone who has questions should contact me. For a shameless promotion, I also provide drinks during our question and answer sessions.

Feel free to IM me or email me to join.

Lt. Maxxwel Lightish of the Zoluren Phoenix

The Zoluren Phoenix is recruiting. Contact me at MaxxwelDR to find out how to join us.
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