The Zoluren Phoenix is openly recruiting new members. All those who wish to help the war effort, but are not combat machines, there are places for you in the military. We need empaths, clerics, and paladins. We also need people who can scout, and especially those who can gate.
We basically set up various triage stations and man them. The more folks we have in each triage the better. The moon mages would be of great use in getting folks to the triage locations themselves. Please feel free to contact any of our officers, or myself. My AIM is MaxxwelDR.
The other officers are:
Commander Anlise
Lieutenants: Jadeanne, Sidoney, Katrinai, Kystrala, & Amagaim
Sergeants: Maxxwel, Gevuldan, Odiin, Calisto, Summerain, Azyreflayme, & Fazehund
Please feel free to contact any of us about joining!
Maxxwel, druken babbling empath at large.