Re: Attn horsemen & horsewomen! The Therengia Cavalry is officially recruiting! on 11/16/2004 02:09 PM CST
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Just a reminder about the first official meeting of the Therengia Cavalry on Saturday, Nov. 20th, at 4 PM EST by the old calendar, at the Baron's Table in Therenborough. Directions to the meeting from the Theren gate are: N, W, NW, N, go cottage (or other cottage sometimes). Alternative directions from the Theren Quad are: W, W, N, go cottage (or other cottage).

We will discuss a new name for the Cavalry, an insignia, plan a training schedule, assign members to regiments, and also be filling several key positions. Input from everyone interested is highly encouraged.

I also strongly encourage horsemen and horsewomen from other divisions and regiments to participate in our meetings and training sessions, because we will be fighting together, and all will be welcome to join us irregardless of what regiment they belong to. We would also appreciate "borrowing" experienced horse people from other regiments to help our Provincial Cavalry become trained and ready to stand with other regiments as quickly as possible. This is an extremely important step in expanding our fighting forces, and if we all work together, it can help all of our regiments to become an even stronger united team than they already are.

I am looking forward to meeting everyone that wishes to contribute their horsemanship abilites to protect our well loved province of Therengia, standing together as a team under the Baron's standard.

Anyone who wishes to contact me (besides gwething me), can do so by sending a scroll to:

Commander Gwenddolyn, of the Therengia Cavalry
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