Private Service on 12/03/2004 12:14 PM CST
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As a diplomat of Zoluren, Former Infantry Commander, And Former Royal Advisor, I find myself increasingly busy as the war wears on. Especially in this, perhaps the most dangerous times we've ever faced.

That being said, I find an increased need for personal protection for myself and my family.

I will hire another bodyguard, based upon approval from my longest standing and most loyal bodyguard: Sasper Winheart.

The position is completely and utterly dangerous. It requires extensive travel, incredibly long shifts, poor treatment, and anyone attempting to take the position in order to report back to someone else, or spy, will be murdered without question.
Militia personnel need not apply.

The benefits include: A weekly stipend, The Blue Flame Promise: "It will usually be interesting, often fun, and always dangerous", and the knowledge that you are aiding the war effort, as it continues to rage on.

Contact Baiden for details.

~Cayene Li'i Of The Blue Flame And Zoluren,
Servant of The People Of Zoluren


"And my 5 page script doesnt include origami yet. It does, however, do all my rp'ing while I'm afk so that when I get back I can just work on skills." ~Sanya
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Re: Private Service on 12/04/2004 04:38 PM CST
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The benefits include: A weekly stipend, The Blue Flame Promise: "It will usually be interesting, often fun, and always dangerous", and the knowledge that you are aiding the war effort, as it continues to rage on.

Don't forget being terminated with your new employer, brainwashing, the pleasure of learning to snicker at your cohort's bad jokes, never being welcome in Zoluren again, and many more under the benefits section Cayene. Full disclosure and all.

You gesture at Vaschon.
A bolt of bluish lightning blazes out of the sky towards Vaschon!
The bolt blasts through the head in an explosion of mangled, smoky flesh!
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
Vaschon turns its tail to the sky for the last time.
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Re: Private Service on 12/16/2004 11:55 AM CST
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>>Don't forget being terminated with your new employer, brainwashing, the pleasure of learning to snicker at your cohort's bad jokes, never being welcome in Zoluren again, and many more under the benefits section Cayene. Full disclosure and all.

:::Tacked to the eastern gate, written in an elegant flowing script:::

Young Elriic,
While we thank you for your interest in the position, we regret to inform you that consideration cannot be offered on the following basis:

1) Your combat skills do not meet the minimum requirements.

2) Your tactical knowledge does not meet the minimum requirements.

3) Your inability to conduct yourself properly with Zoluren diplomats (See: Cayene, Observer To Ilithi)

4) Your dreadful lack of wit and inability to properly insult a perfectly placed target.

Now run along before Captain Shaheyra chastises you young man.

Cayene, Peasant and Patriot of Zoluren


"And my 5 page script doesnt include origami yet. It does, however, do all my rp'ing while I'm afk so that when I get back I can just work on skills." ~Sanya
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Re: Private Service on 12/17/2004 10:04 PM CST
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Violence does not lead to more violence. The truth is that ineffective, unfocused violence leads to more death. However fully thought through, well executed violence never leads to more violence because afterwards, the other guys are all dead.
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