Join the Army they said? See the world they said? on 04/11/2005 10:58 AM CDT
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And all I got to do was guard some sheep?!

The Zoluren Dragoons, known as the Defenders of the Clans, are recruiting anyone who can swing a sword, waggle thier fingers, or sing an enchante for defense of the Western portion of the Zoluren Province. All are welcome to inquire at Dragoon camp, located outside the West Gate, beyond the Brook. Our camp is marked with a Banner with the Dragoon crest and usually myself or Cyiarriah can be found on duty.

So, if you're interested in serving the Prince, wearing a uniform, and making something out of yourselves, visit the Dragoons today!

Commander Elriic,
Zoluren Dragoons


In Memoriam: Goodbye Dangelo.
- Friend
- Barbarian
- All around good guy.

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