Royal Infantry of Therengia now Recruiting New Members on 12/27/2006 07:56 PM CST
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To all concerned citizens and interested parties...

Let it be known to all, that the Northern Watch, the Royal Infantry of Therengia, is now recruiting members for entrance into our ranks.

The Northern Watch is a Light Infantry Regiment based in Therengia, comprised of integrated Groups including Combat, Support and Operations. We are responsible for the Defense of the Province of Therengia and any other military operation that His Grace, the Baron Gyfford Theren, orders us to undertake. Our general area of operations is from Langenfirth in the South to Fornsted in the North, as well as Rossman's Landing and Throne City.

We are looking for folks who are interested in joining a group that works hard at it's task, yet breeds friendship and fun.

If you are interested, please speak with Lt. Mordibar, Lt. Tinderage, Recruitment Chief Madigan or myself. We can all usually be found in the Therenborough area and would be happy to meet with any interested individual. There is no experience requirement nor is there any cost to join.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sir Frodes Hammershmit
Commander, Northern Watch
Royal Infantry of Therengia
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Re: Royal Infantry of Therengia now Recruiting New Members on 12/28/2006 09:20 AM CST
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Hah, Recruitment Chief! Your sly way to give me a title will not work Commander!

On a more serious note, if you are interested is running around with just a darn good group of people, engage in some good roleplay and serve a higher calling...then sit down with us.

Heck, come out and see what we are about by joining in a training hunt with the Watch combat team and support team. Our main goal is to push the edge of "invasion situations" by deploying to remote locations, in swarmy environments over the head of most of the team members. Our more recent training sessions involved deployment to the dragon priest area, wraiths (P5 variety) and giants and Seords in Therengia.

Every Wed and Sunday evening you can find us forming up in front of the Therenborough Gate with Mazrian leading and coordinating the deployment. Typically we go for about 1 hour to 1.5 hours, then end up at your local tavern to discuss how we can do our job better and throw back a few (or many if we have all of our bards present).


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