Commander situation in Shard on 08/05/2007 09:02 AM CDT
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I respect Aleyden's right to privacy regarding his decision to step down as Commander. Although there will be rumor and speculation unless facts are known, the decision is his and his alone to make.

This, coupled with the announcement of Leissl's "stepping down", has me acutely interested in how the Ilithi Militia will "shake down", as it were. It is my sincere hope that The Tower will make decisions and keep us informed as soon as possible.

Xand, any updates that you can provide in the meantime would be greatly appreciated as well.

Doctor Kerrian Runegazer
Sergeant of The Ilithi Night Watch
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Re: Commander situation in Shard on 08/05/2007 12:08 PM CDT
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Cousin Kerrian,

That is an odd term to use.. "shake down" I resent what that implies, intentional or not. You might consider your choice of words more wisely in the future.

~ Leissl and $0.02

'When someone pushes your buttons, you're acknowledging what you have disowned.' -Dr. John Martini
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Re: Commander situation in Shard on 08/05/2007 12:28 PM CDT
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Though I cannot speak for Aleyden, or for that matter, Xand. I can tell you from experience that maintaining the role of a commander is extremely stressful. Not only do you have the responsibility laid upon you to protect the domain of Ilithi, and direct your lieutenants and other unit members, but you also have people pulling you from each direction, not necessarily from within the tower, with their own idea of what you should be doing as a commander.

It is not as though Aleyden became commander and quickly resigned. He and I both were commisioned shortly after the end of the war,during the resistance, when the Three were exiled north. He has dutifully served for great number of years despite countless threats from various sources.

Again, I am not speaking for Aleyden, however, I don't believe there is need for speculation. He has had a long and successful career in the militia, as had Leissl, and they are simply engaging the next step of their life. If there is further reasoning behind it, then that is between the Commander, his peers, and the tower.


Storrmm, former Commander of the Ilithi Infantry
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Re: Commander situation in Shard on 08/05/2007 01:44 PM CDT
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>I resent what that implies, intentional or not. You might consider your choice of words more wisely in the future.

Leissl, I know you know me well enough that I would never intentionally be derogatory towards you. Please accept my apologies.

>If there is further reasoning behind it, then that is between the Commander, his peers, and the tower.

I believe I said as much in my original message.

I will certainly keep my concerns for the Province of Ilithi a little more closely guarded from now on.

Doctor Kerrian Runegazer
Citizen of Ilithi
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Re: Commander situation in Shard on 08/05/2007 01:51 PM CDT
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>Leissl, I know you know me well enough that I would never intentionally be derogatory towards you. Please accept my apologies.

I was pretty sure it was not intentional but having lived the life of a refugee and losing a home and family then finding my way home again... I have also learned to expect the unexpected. Apology accepted and I look forward to our next encounter.

~ Leissl and $0.02

'When someone pushes your buttons, you're acknowledging what you have disowned.' -Dr. John Martini
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Re: Commander situation in Shard on 08/05/2007 03:10 PM CDT
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I've had the utmost pleasure to serve with Aleyden for the past 10 years. Through our time in arms together I've seen him grow and expand his horizon's and his abilities. We've seen trials and tribulations, defeat and wondrous victory. He has served with honor, loyalty, and distinction to the Tower and to the Domain. I feel a great swell of honor to having worked together and to call him friend.

I extend my deepest hopes for his future paths as he moves into a civilian life and wherever he may tread, with him goes my best. The course of ones life is never a linear one, and in that to each door that closes a new one opens.

For those concerned with the military in generally. His loss to the military is keenly felt, however the Domain and the military is not one person and we will carry on as we always have. I will speak at length with the Ferdahl as to the next step in regard to military appointments and will as soon as I'm able share that information.

Best regards,
Xand Duchet
Military Liaison
In service to the Ferdahl
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