The Therengia Cavalry is now accepting interviews for new members on 09/23/2007 07:28 PM CDT
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Anyone interested in joining any of my three regiments of the Therengia Cavalry can visit Theren almost any evening after 9 pm est, and gweth for an interview with myself. I can give you information about each regiment, and help you meet the appropriate Commander. I will be handling all interviews for anyone interested in joining the Baron's Dragoons, our experienced Warriors of the Heavy Horse Division. Those interested in joining the Baron's Hussars, which is our top totch Triage and Recovery Team, can find Commander Barola for more information. Anyone interested in joining the Baron's Outriders, our Field Division that specializes in Patrol, Scouting, and Communications, can find Commander Gniloi. If you are unsure about which Regiment of the Cavalry you wish to join, feel free to gweth for me from the Lang/Theren area, or find any Commander mentioned above and ask them lots of questions.

Senior Commander Gwenddolyn,
Of the Therengian Cavalry,
Baron's Dragoons, Baron's Hussars, and Baron's Outriders
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