Looking for Aspiring DragonPriest's to join the cause. on 01/20/2009 05:02 PM CST
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This is for any Player who is looking to expand there character's Role within DragonRealm's. Be advised that being a DragonPriest in Elanthia is frowned upon by the general populace and the reigning governments within Elanthia. Being Associated with the DragonPriest's will put your character at odds and at harm during certain events and general Role-play. As a player you must acknowledge that going down this root, will put your character at odds with certain player's, guild's, and governments of Elanthia. You will join a tight nit group of players who support each other to add to each others enjoyment of play in the fine game of DragonRealms.

At this time we are looking for commited Character's who meet the following criteria.

1) Must be S'Kra or Gor'Tog who feel they were better off under the DragonPriest Empire.
2) All Guilds Accepted.
3) Must pass a series of tests or show proof of not being the new common theme of "I was spying all along."
(ie: Players not taking responsibility for joining Veyne the necromancer)
4) Players willing to accept responsibility for their actions.
a) Due to the Nature of the DragonPriest - All Members must be RP Heavy PVP OPEN
b) A willingness to follow General Good Role-Player standards.
c) Adhere to the DragonRealms Consent Policy.
5) A willingness to learn DragonPriest History
a) Notable DragonPriest Character's
b) Recent DragonPriest events like the Crusade

To inquire information please send e-mail to drdpevents@gmail.com

Crusader Taghz

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother...", William Shakespeare.
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Re: Looking for Aspiring DragonPriest's to join the cause. on 01/20/2009 05:37 PM CST
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Cool stuff Taghz, good luck with your recruiting.


When soldiers have been baptized in the fire of a battle-field, they have all one rank in my eyes.
Napoleon Bonaparte
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Re: Looking for Aspiring DragonPriest's to join the cause. on 01/21/2009 05:42 PM CST
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<<Cool stuff Taghz, good luck with your recruiting.>>

:oP Ragran
ps i dont remember if you hate me. if so, uh, see above post anyways!
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