Guildfest End Time on 06/11/2017 03:31 PM CDT
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Hey folks,

Been out of town, so I'm coming to GF really late. I'd like to have a chance to run my thief and necro up to Theren, but I won't be able to get to it til late tonight. Can anyone tell me what the actual end time will be? I know it's supposed to run "through" the 11th, but does that mean that it'll disappear at midnight tonight? If so, midnight in what time zone? Thanks so much!
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Re: Guildfest End Time on 06/11/2017 05:47 PM CDT
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> Can anyone tell me what the actual end time will be? I know it's supposed to run "through" the 11th, but does that mean that it'll disappear at midnight tonight? If so, midnight in what time zone? Thanks so much!

Last guildfest (2015) opened at 9 pm Eastern and closed at 10pm Eastern. This one opened at 8pm Eastern. Based on other events' closing times I would expect it to close somewhere around 10 pm to midnight eastern. No official closing time has been mentioned yet afaik.
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Re: Guildfest End Time on 06/12/2017 12:04 AM CDT
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Of late, we've been letting things run over into the morning after "closing time", so you have a few more hours, but I wouldn't dawdle.

Doing stuff
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