Freeze wand (1) works less on others the more you use it, independent of anything else, (2) after X uses within Y seconds, using it adds RT
then you're more judicious
And a script is going to have a harder time with that (well, for a couple days...)
As to #2, I mean adds RT to the user
so you wave it at 4-8 people in quick succession, you start picking up RT yourself.
Judiciousness would be the key. The closer "search wand" gets people to the center and/or keybearer, the more careful they would have to be about freezing everything in sight.
It occurs that if the NPCs were so programmed, one could watch them for queues. But on the other hand, that would be at a risk. Maybe a randomization element for the NPCs.
But it would certainly discourage freezing everyone/everything, at zero cost to the scripter (especially if they have 1, nay 2, type-ahead lines).
I think some variation on this might help