Sleeping Dragon end prize suggestion - ME slice template weapons on 11/18/2017 01:38 AM CST
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I wanted to suggest possibly making a slicing template Medium Edged weapon, particularly one of the flares. In general, ME weapons are poorly represented for quest prizes and auctions - believe me, I've been watching the auctions since 2013, and it's basically mirror blade or nothing), and slice weapons are an even smaller subsection of those. We don't all use them for backstabbing!

On the Corn Maze end prizes, there are a number of ME weapons, which is great, but all but the machete are puncture. If one of the flare weapons could be copied and swapped to slice, I can guarantee I'd be buying at least one! As it is, I've had to make do with my icy-blue blade, which isn't even alterable, sadly.


- Saragos
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