Title collection on 12/01/2016 12:29 AM CST
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Wish there were unlockable completionist titles from gaining every title from a single event and/or a single title from X number of events.

More than this I'd like to see titles for winning both the Kasine's Gauntlet arena as well as the Duskruin Arena (or any upcoming arenas).

You'd have to qualify for the various titles as well as 'own' them to unlock the completionist title(s).

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Re: Title collection on 12/01/2016 10:45 AM CST
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Heck, I'd just like to see titles broken down a bit more by category instead of the big blob of text you get when you list them out. And after all these years since titles were introduced, can Simu just show what is/were required for each one now?

Cause I love answering questions such as, How did you get that title? Response: I have no idea. It just showed up one day. Why so secretive about how to get a title?

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Re: Title collection on 12/01/2016 04:14 PM CST
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>>Southerk: And after all these years since titles were introduced, can Simu just show what is/were required for each one now?

Most of the recent title releases have been good as far as including the title requirements, but I would love to see more transparency with regard to existing titles. For example, there are many Paladin titles that still have us guessing.


Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

Paladin new player guide: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Paladin_new_player_guide

armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
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Re: Title collection on 12/01/2016 04:50 PM CST
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>How did you get that title?

>Unknown paladin titles

This spreadsheet has a lot of title reqs (and looks like a few of those unknown paladin titles):


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Re: Title collection on 12/01/2016 05:08 PM CST
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I am aware of that project, but with Naohhi stepping down as a GM, I really hope it's not our only hope for more transparency title requirements.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

Paladin new player guide: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Paladin_new_player_guide

armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
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Re: Title collection on 12/01/2016 08:24 PM CST
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Tried something similiar with Traders but it petered out. Still no clue what a Barefoot Pilgrim req is, and so forth.

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Re: Title collection on 12/01/2016 11:56 PM CST
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I have a startup script that runs automatically as soon as I log in. Part of this script is that it checks my guild and racial titles. Since I log every session, if I ever really need to sleuth a title I can go back to the first day it appeared and try to figure it out from there.

Granted I agree, transparency about title requirements is always nice.

- Navesi
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