Rhymes with glamazon lash glutton on 07/20/2017 12:28 AM CDT
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It would be pretty cool if there was an auction version of this. You'd be standing in a shop, push your dash button to save the next item you purchased and then if you wanted it later; push the button again and a runner would bring that item to you and deduct the cost of it (plus shipping and handling) from your bank account. The only limit on pushing the button would be your own inventory count.

I guess an easier way to pull this off would be to hold a 24/7 available item in one hand and the button in the other and then push it to save. Then later when pushed it would just duplicate that item and deduct the appraisal value + more coin from your bank with some runner messaging.


A trader-only guild shop dash button (in addition to the auction buttons that would be usable by anyone).
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